They tried pushing me into a Night Rally. I wouldn’t do it, so they blacklisted me.

I’m glad they tried so I can tell everyone how TRUMPED UP all that can be. THEY make those right wing movements so they can get their pretexts for ever more wars. All the moves that worked for them to orchestrate World War 2 need to fail this time. That’s why we need access to accurate history. Why do you think they give me so much trouble? I’ve been trying to stand in the way of what I have believed to be a scheduled World War 3. Together we may have already saved a lot of lives and our work must progress.

Night Rally lyrics.

I would send out for assistance but there's someone on the signal wire
And the corporation logo is flashing on and off in the sky
They're putting all your names in the forbidden book
I know what they're doing but I don't want to look
You think they're so dumb, you think they're so funny
Wait until they've got you running to the
Night rally, night rally, night rally

Everybody's singing with their hand on their heart
About deeds done in the darkest hours
That's just the sort of catchy little melody
To get you singing in the showers

Oh, I know that I'm ungrateful
I've got it lying on a plate
And I'm not buying my share of souvenirs
You can stand to attention
You can pray to your uncle
Only get that chicken out of here
Everyone gets armbands and 3-D glasses
Some are in the back room
And they're taking those night classes

You think they're so dumb, you think they're so funny
Wait until they've got you running to the
Night rally, night rally, night rally

Letra de La Turba (Night Rally) de Jorge Drexler

No llames por refuerzos, que la línea está intervenida
Y en el cielo resplandece el logo de la compañía
Tu nombre está en su libro, te irán a buscar
Sé lo que ellos hacen, pero no quiero mirar

Pensás que son payasos con su idea absurda
Pero cuando querés ver, ya vas en
La turba, la turba, la turba

Todo el mundo canta con la mano en el pecho
A los héroes de una oscura lucha
Con esa melodía que te haría entrar
Cantando en la ducha

Oh, yo sé que soy ingrato
Tengo comida en el plato
Y no compro mi ración de souvenirs
Griten cuánto tengan ganas
Pero abran la ventana
Y dejen a ese pájaro salir

Gafas de 3D, gorra y brazalete
Salen por las noches y comparan sus juguetes

Pensás que son payasos con su idea absurda
Pero cuando querés ver, ya vas en
La turba, la turba, la turba

La turba, la turba, la turba
La turba, la turba, la turba
La turba, la turba, la turba
La turba, la turba, la turba
La turba, la turba, la turba
La turba, la turba