Cami sings La Chica de Hoy (This Year’s Model) by Napoleon Dynamite and The Attractions

This is the CD I wore out in my darkroom around 2000 trying to figure out how to use a Hasselblad, a Bolex and a Speed Graphic. I could never get the Bolex film to develop. The other 2 sort of worked out. I had pictures of the Artist on the walls. I never would’ve dreamed he would’ve known that I exist. Now I’m starting to wonder why I thought of becoming a celebrity photographer when I’m not really into that kind of stuff. Maybe I can dig up my This Year’s Model pictures that I took those years ago.

Letra de La Chica De Hoy (This Year's Girl)"

Vi su foto en mil lugares, ella es la chica de hoy
Todos se sienten dueños de la chica de hoy
Olvida tus modales
Tu lirica elegante
Porque siempre te ha dado igual la chica de hoy

Y como esperas que se comporte la chica de hoy
La boca abierta y destruida porque es la chica de hoy
Nunca sabes si es verdad el encanto
Tanta oferta de placer sin llanto
Mientras la divierte el tedio por ser la chica de hoy

El tiempo ya se acabó y le cobró
Sin duda ya, ella olvido lo mucho que perdió

Tal vez tu ingenio acorrale a la chica de hoy
Y sueñes con revolcarte con la chica de hoy
Musica insoportable, diarios tranquilizantes
Premios de modelaje Coartadas de salon

No hay, sorpresas para la chica de hoy
No hay, sorpresas para la chica de hoy
No hay, sorpresas para la chica de hoy

This Year's Girl lyrics

See her picture in a thousand places
'cause she's this year's girl.
You think you all own little pieces
of this year's girl.

Forget your fancy manners,
forget your English grammar,
'cause you don't really give a damn
about this year's girl.
Still you're hoping that she's well spoken
'cause she's this year's girl.
You want her broken with her mouth wide open
'cause she's this year's girl.
Never knowing it's a real attraction,
all these promises of satisfaction,
while she's being bored to distraction
being this year's girl.

Time's running out. She's not happy with the cost.
There'd be no doubt, only she's forgotten
much more than she's lost.

A bright spark might corner the market
in this year's girl.
You see yourself rolling on the carpet
with this year's girl.
Those disco synthesizers,
those daily tranquilizers,
those body building prizes,
those bedroom alibis,
all this, but no surprises for this year's girl.
All this, but no surprises for this year's girl.
All this, but no surprises for this year's girl.

I probably got into photography just to figure out how to use this camera.