We recently looked at Josh Groban’s chart and we saw many clues that he is probably inclined towards spiritual warfare in the field of culture. You can see that analysis here.
Since we are so much stronger together, I’m looking at my chart combined with what I view to be good natured people to see what could come out of our collaboration. It is also completely necessary to study charts to observe patterns oneself to find out the use of astrology. Like in many areas, the patterns - the preponderance of the evidence - can show us the truth.
Since my Sun and Mercury are in the 7th house of partners and enemies in Scorpio, I’m very communicative and penetrating and I’m either allied or fighting others who are this way also for good or ill. Scorpio is a seductive energy which is transformative and power seeking but this force can be used to help or harm. These themes are all over this project.
Since Josh is a communicator involved with hidden power - as we are all whether we realize it or not - I must look to the 7th house ruled by Libra (relationships, balance, beauty) to see if he might be a part of this astrological pattern of mine.
Indeed we see MANY aspects and a lot of activity in this area of partners. I would say that Josh has a communications (Mercury in Aquarius) art (Venus in Pisces), warrior (Sun/Moon in Pisces) stellium in the constellations of Pisces (spirit) and Aquarius (humor, eccentricity, freedom).
Josh’s spiritual art warrior stellium in Pisces and Aquarius is in a harmonious trine with my Sun/Mercury in Scorpio, which in itself could imply the I am a communications warrior as Scorpio is ruled by bellicose Mars and Pluto. The chart seems to be suggesting that we could harmonize by teaming up to fight what has gone very wrong in the field of media (Sun/Mercury in Scorpio).
It is also interesting that Josh’s Uranus (freedom, revolution), Black Moon Lilith (activism, vengeance), and Juno (serious relationships, just rule) are all in deep, secretive Scorpio clustered around my Sun/Mercury in Scorpio. This further suggests a lot of common ground. It is likely that we both want fair government (Juno), Justice (Black Moon Lilith) and freedom (Uranus). Who with a brain and a heart wouldn’t?
This shows tremendous potential to pool our energies on both sides of the trine between our Suns (fame, identity).
On top of that, my Moon (feelings) in the 12th house (imprisonment) is in Pisces is somewhat aligned with Josh’s Sun. This show and immense potential for Josh to have the ability and empathy (Sun/Mars in Pisces) to shine a blazing light on the injustice visited upon me as a consequence of my work as a spiritual warrior.
My enemies can persecute me and do unspeakable things to me (and everyone else) but they cannot do it except by exposing their hidden hand (Sun/Mercury in Scorpio in the 7th house). I fight them through exposing their identities and crimes.
I may seem like a troublemaker but I see no future under this rulership as they are scamming the public about almost everything. Josh’s Sun in Pisces might result in making him soft hearted and sympathetic to my genuine motivations (Moon in Pisces). I really am fighting to set both of us free and to see improvements for all of us - even my enemies - who I do pray will take their souls a bit more seriously.
Another big indicator of sympathy and destiny may be surmised in the trine between Josh’s Sun/Mars in Pisces and the focal point of my yod, Saturn (work, enslavement) in the 3rd house (communications) in Cancer (patriotism). My destiny may involve the enslavement (Saturn) of my nation (Cancer) through mind control (3rd house) or it may involve my work (Saturn) as a historian (3rd house in Cancer).
Not only do we see a trine between this Saturnine place and Josh’s spiritual art warrior stellium (Sun/Mars/Mercury/Venus in Pisces and Aquarius) but we also find Josh’s Ceres (nurturing) somewhat aligned with my Saturn in the 3rd house in Cancer. This may further suggest that Josh cares about my mission and understands it.
Another huge indicator of our transformative potential as art warriors is spelled out if you look at my Pluto (resurrection) and Uranus (revolution) in Libra.
Uranus is on my descendent. This is a space of other people in my chart and Uranus can represent disruption and/or genius. It is very interesting that someone with such a supernatural talent (Uranus) has planets in this very space of mine, the descendent.
My Pluto and Uranus in Libra in the sixth house (service, healing) can suggest that I am here to revolutionize culture and relationships. Josh’s chart shows something very similar.
It is fascinating that like RuPaul, Josh was also born around the time of a grand conjunction - an alignment between Saturn and Jupiter. A grand conjunction can be an indicator of regime change. We had a grand conjunction 12.21.2020 and I’m hoping that regime change is well underway.
Josh’s Saturn/Jupiter alignment is conjunct my Pluto (transformation) in Libra. This is another indicator that can can absolutely change the world, its culture and how we relate to each other.
Like Josh himself, this synastry chart is very inspiring because it is once again showing how strong we can be together if we are operating from our hearts and souls.