Lets take a look at Dolly Parton's natal chart.

We know Dolly Parton is an icon celebrated for her talent, beauty and humor. She has also touched hearts throughout her career. Will we see this in her chart?

The first thing that jumps out at me is that Dolly has one heck of a t square involving multiple stelliums or aligned planets. It is my understanding that alignments and stelliums amplify the combined energies represented by the “planets”. This t square may have something to do with the great ambition we see in Dolly as t squares are also called achievement triangles. She may experience enormous challenges pertaining to this t square. It’s the big red triangle in the chart. A t square is made up of an opposition and 2 squares.

It is so interesting that in Dolly’s chart, we see another stellium involving the Sun - like we have seen in the charts of many other famous people.

Dolly who is known for being beautiful and charming has an alignment between the Sun (fame) and Venus (beauty, charm). We also see Vesta (devotion, sacred fire), Mercury (communications) and Ceres (nurturing). These symbols are mostly in earthy, ambitious Capricorn. This is the chart of a hard worker who is very determined to achieve her goals. The challenges must be enormous as we see such difficult aspects interacting with Dolly’s fame (Sun) stellium.

This fame stellium is square, or challenged by the wounded healer energy of Chiron in Libra. This can mean that Dolly can be very hurt or very healing when it comes to culture and beauty. She has been very candid about her suffering and anyone can see that she uses her beauty and wonderful art to bring help and healing particularly through her Imagine Library which gifts books into the hands of children. We can see how big into culture Dolly is in that Jupiter (expansion) is also in creative Libra.

What flows naturally into Dolly’s fame stellium in Capricorn is Neptune (spirit) in Libra. Over and over, we have seen aspects between Venus (Libra is ruled by Venus) and Neptune in the charts of gifted musicians. Not only do we see this connection but we can observe that it harmoniously fuels Dolly fame stellium in Capricorn. Spiritual matters are likely to be very central to Dolly’s ambitions and we do see that in her - time and time again.

We all know that Dolly is a country musician and that doesn’t come without a lot of pain and we see this in the Saturn opposition to Dolly’s fame stellium in Capricorn. Such difficult aspects concerning Saturn are going to be a huge bummer but it can fuel hard work and achievement. Dolly, like me, has Saturn in Cancer. That can give a discomfort at home feeling or a suppression of one’s homeland type distress. I have to imagine we may both share this. I can practically feel right now how much Dolly wants to see our country doing a lot better than it is right now. The lying is really out of control.

Dolly’s Saturn is somewhat aligned with Mars in Cancer which makes me “ouch” just thinking about it. Mars can be violence and fire but it can also be that spark. This is not someone to mess with.

In this massive t square, we see incredibly potent energy between an ambitious fame stellium and a LOT of hurt (Saturn conjunct Mars) in soft sensitive, watery Cancer. This bottled up pressure is likely to find its outlet in the Jupiter in Libra conjunct Juno (serious partnerships, justice). This may come across as someone who unfortunately suffers but the pressure is released through charity and teaching (Jupiter in Libra).

We also see the mogul in Dolly’s Moon in Virgo. This can come across as someone very willing to help and be practical when it comes to her emotions. This Moon is likely to harmonize with the good (Jupiter in Libra) that Dolly does - as we see a harmonious sextile.

I’m not a hundred percent sure about the birth time on this chart but if it is accurate, we see Uranus at Dolly’s midheaven. This would indicate that Dolly is all about shaking things up and that she is perfectly willing to be disruptive. I would say this is one of her most endearing qualities.

Dolly also shows this Uranus (eccentricity, humor) at her midheaven (reputation) in diplomatic Gemini. She is a revolutionary (Uranus) when it comes to the public sphere (Gemini). This Uranus is in a harmonious sextile with potent, dangerous Pluto in royal Leo. We see here the queen who cannot be stopped, a real game changer.

I’m very much looking forward to what Dolly has planned next. She is one to watch.