A look at Bob Dylan’s natal chart

Here we have the chart of one of the most prolific song writers of all time, Bob Dylan. He is a story teller and an activist. Even though I did give him a hard time, I have found him to be very sympathetic and understanding about the fact that ultimately we share the same aims. It really has always been my intention to try and hold off with help what I saw coming - an orchestrated World War 3 type scenario. I have been talking about history so much to show and PROVE that secret societies have been scripting wars since at least The French Revolution.

All the tell tale signs have been showing another big revolution in the works. Someone from the government tried to bribe and threaten me into promoting civil war in my country, the U.S.

For not taking their deal, I have been continually persecuted and finagled into house arrest. I am also being framed as a health threat concerning a virus that does not exist legally. That injection clearly killed my mother and the fear mongering on tv led to my cousin’s suicide. This sad reality merely underscores that most institutions have been hijacked by organized crime. They have succeeded in subverting the legal system.

The danger and dishonesty of the present sneaky regime is a topic present in many Bob Dylan songs. We can see this unified concern all over his work and mine. According to my understanding, Bob Dylan is an empathetic person who is no stranger to honest introspection. Will we see this in his chart?

With hugely famous people we tend to see Jupiter aligned with the Sun. I’m thinking of Paul McCartney and Adele right now. Jupiter expands what it touches and the Sun can be a bright shining identity - fame. Bob Dylan just so happens to have Jupiter aligned with the Sun so I’m going to view this as validation of astrology. This alignment is at the beginning of social, communicative Gemini ruled by Mercury. Bob is a hugely famous communicator.

It is unusual in Bob’s chart that he has such a massive “planet” grouping or stellium around this famous communicator spot (Sun/Jupiter in Gemini). We see the artistic activist in his placement of Black Moon Lilith in creative Taurus, ruled by Venus. The hardworking, disciplined artist is represented by Saturn in Taurus. Then we may detect his emotional work and perhaps depression in Saturn’s alignment with the Moon. We also find the freedom loving revolutionary artist by noting Uranus in Taurus.

Also forming part of Bob’s massive stellium is Venus (art, beauty, music) in communicative Gemini, along with Mercury - the ruler of Gemini. This potent stellium screams that Bob was made to shake things up as a famous (Sun/Jupiter in Gemini) creative communicator (Venus/Mercury in Gemini).

This unusually potent creative fame stellium is making a harmonious trine with Neptune/North Node in Virgo (healing, service). This trine leads me to wonder if it is Bob’s true fate to use his incredible gifts and fame to conjure up spirit and healing (Neptune) as a mission. I’m already seeing many hints that this is the case.

Powerful, sexy, healing, transformative Pluto is making a harmonious sextile to Bob’s big creative fame stellium. This once again suggests that it may be Bob’s mission to be a well known catalyst or a healer (Pluto in Leo). I would say he is probably running along those lines already just by the humility and graciousness that he has shown to me. We’re in a weird furtive situation because I have been blacklisted to public figures so hopefully I am understanding his generous intentions correctly.

Bob’s Pluto (pain) is aligned with Chiron (wounds, healing) at the end of Cancer which is ruled by the Moon (empathy, emotions). This further cements the idea that Bob is very prone towards not only deep suffering but that this serious pain fuels his work and potential as a healer.

It is interesting that most of the activity in this chart seems to have something to do with his massive fame stellium. Areas outside of work and career may be a bit lacking for him. Maybe he’s a workaholic?

Another indicator of the immense potential and impact of Bob’s fame may be spotted in the difficult square between his fame stellium and Mars (conflict, drive, fire) in watery Pisces.

I have something similar (Mars in the 12th house). Water (Pisces, Neptune, 12th house) can dampen that fire (Mars) but once again this can be an indication of a healer and/or spiritual warrior. Perhaps once again this chart is saying that though it may be a struggle, Bob can use his gifts and fame to heal.

I see such depth and caring in Bob Dylan and his work shows the healer in his heart.
