Let’s take a look at RuPaul’s natal chart

I love these explorations because we already know so much about certain public figures. Hopefully, it’s okay for me to peer into their astrology in this way.

I remember the first time I saw RuPaul on tv. It was during the 80s on an underground kind of show and he was promoting Supermodel of the World - or something along those lines.

I was just mesmerized thinking, “WHO is that?!”

It’s no secret that I’m in the middle of a very strange trip and I experienced recently this incredible luminous LOVING energy come through and I felt —- RuPaul. It just blew me away. My point is that RuPaul is a highly unique, transdimensional person, from what I can tell. Can we see that in his chart?

First off, we see Ru’s Sun in sexy, mysterious Scorpio. This forms part of a stellium (“planet” grouping) involving Moon (woman, emotions), Neptune (Spirit) and Mercury (communication). Already we see a mega powerful lineup in a very strong sign (Scorpio).

Neptune in Scorpio (taboo, hidden matters) is trine Mars (power) in Cancer (emotions) and Jupiter in Capricorn. This shows Ru’s amplified spiritual focus and abilities.

Ru has something very similar to what I have in that his Neptune is very favorable and harmonious with dark and passionate Pluto (but we all have this). However my Neptune is very amplified by a sextile with Jupiter in Aquarius (teaching the public) and Ru’s is harmonious with beautiful Venus.

This sextile between Neptune and Venus makes a lot of sense as Ru uses beauty to help people feel better about themselves. It’s his mission (Neptune).

We also find that Ru’s Venus is trine Uranus and Pluto. This is another aspect that makes complete sense as Ru is so sexy (Pluto) and shocking (Uranus). He has always also fought for freedom and eccentricity (Uranus).

Ru’s Venus is part of an unusually large stellium which includes Juno (serious relationships, a just Queen), Jupiter (benevolence, knowledge, travel), Saturn (WORK), Pallas Athena (a creative just goddess) and Vesta (sacred fire, devotion). All of these energies would be very turned up as they are combined and they involve expansive generous Jupiter. The fact that they are in disciplined, ambitious Capricorn shows the mogul and producer who had and has what it takes to being his great vision to reality.

We also see that Ru was born around the time of a grand conjunction (Saturn/Jupiter alignment) In Capricorn. We just had another grand conjunction in Capricorn 12.21.2020. If astrology can be taken seriously, this would mean that we had a real chance to change the ruling dynasty 12.21.2020 and I spent the whole year focusing on this as we would need spiritual help to save ourselves from the present highly genocidal rulership.

Since Ru was born around the time of another grand conjunction in Capricorn, this may tell us that Ru is destined to be a part of this switch in dynasties which is occurring. First we are changing, then the dynasty will have to change.

Power comes from the people. The problem is that the masses have been brainwashed into not understanding this. That’s where a force of nature like RuPaul can and does help us. He is great at helping people realize the facts.

Ru’s Saturn/Jupiter stellium in Capricorn is in a difficult aspect (opposition) with Mars (fire) in Cancer (homeland). Ru may be fueled and driven (Mars) to improve his country (Cancer). He is nobody’s fool and his chart shows that he has the power to help make these necessary changes to our structures (Saturn in Capricorn).

What further supports that Ru is naturally predisposed to fight (Mars) for his country (Cancer) is that we also see the spirit of activism and protest in this space, Black Moon Lilith. We can all see that Ru fights for the underdog and this is one of his most appealing qualities. His luck and fortune in this arena is also shown in that we also find Pars Fortuna in this space at the end of Gemini (communications). Ru fights via media and his hugely successful production company World of Wonder.

Where Ru May feel the pain can be seen in that he has an afflicted Sun. I have to imagine it hasn’t been easy to be such a force of nature and that small minded people may have tried to hold him back.

The likelihood of this is shown in a t square focused on that Sun in Scorpio which involves Uranus in Leo (eccentricity and glory) and Chiron (wounds, healing), Ceres (Nurturing) in Aquarius (humor, philanthropy).

A t square is also called an achievement triangle because it generates a lot of conflict that can drive great gains. This is backed up by the trine between Ru’s Sun and Mars. While it isn’t easy to be such a glorious unusual person, he has the fire to push through and reach his goals.

Another solution that may be available can be sought in what would be the opposition to Ru’s somewhat afflicted identity (Sun). That space is at the end of beautiful Venus ruled Taurus going into communicative Gemini. Indeed, we all know that Ru’s identity solutions very much involve matters pertaining to beauty and media.

It is really amazing how strongly we can see a reflection of the facts about RuPaul in his chart. His good intentions shine and I hope that we will understand that it is in our best interests to support the unifying and empowering work which always has been his hallmark. Eccentricity and freedom are very closely aligned.