We recently took a look at Michael Bublé’s natal chart. We saw someone very prone towards spiritual warfare. Seeing how 2 charts mix is an interesting look at the potential of collaboration.
The first thing that jumps out is a harmonious grand trine. On top, we see an interesting collection comprised of Chiron (wounds, healing) on both Michael’s and my side. Since Michael and I are not that far apart in age and Chiron moves around a chart slowly, this is to be expected but it also means that people our own age will really feel each other’s pain or perhaps we will wound each other.
As we all know, pain drives a lot activity so we are seeing that motivation between us here. What shows this in an amplified manner is Michael’s alignment between Chiron and Jupiter (expansion, giving, adventure). I have Mars here and all of these energies are in bellicose Aries. Combined, we see 2 people very motivated to take action (Mars) in the interest of big improvements (Jupiter).
This feisty combo (Mars, Chiron times 2 and Jupiter in Aries) is trine Michael’s Venus in Leo. Michael is a big time (Leo) singer known for love songs (Venus) so that status could help us make advancements (Jupiter in Aries).
Michael’s Venus is trine my Venus stellium (“planet” grouping) in Capricorn (work, achievement). For someone with my Venus placement, love is work. What adds to this weight is that I also have Juno (serious relationships, just rule), Ceres (nurturing), North Node (fate), and Black Moon Lilith (activism) aligned with Venus. On top of that my Venus is opposition Saturn (restriction) in Cancer (home). As I am always saying I am being trapped at home. My chart is playing out literally.
In the grand trine between me and Michael, Venus, Mars and Jupiter predominate. That’s love and action and benevolence. The chart is saying these energies would flow easily in our collaboration.
In my stream, I went into detail about how my Sun/Mercury in the 7th house of partners and enemies in Scorpio (hidden power) says that my identity is very prone to involve prominent media (Sun/Mercury) figures. This certainly has been the case and it continues. Since Michael is a prominent media figure, we would want to see if there is a connection here. Lo and behold, we find Michael’s Moon in this very space.
The Moon is emotions, mother, one’s origins and homeland. Anyone can see that Michael is deeply emotional and that it fuels his wonderful creativity. Michael’s North Node is also conjunct this space. This may indicate that Michael’s destiny has something to do with me and matters pertaining to Scorpio. A spooky fascinating energy, Scorpio is about drive and transformation. I may draw Michael in that direction and his chart shows that this is what possibly should happen.
This is further backed up by Michael’s placement of Uranus (revolution, quirky humor) near my Sun in Scorpio. I can shine a light on Michael’s freedom loving and surprising ways (Uranus) which is exactly what I am doing right now.
What further supports that our collaboration would be highly transformative can be seen in our aligned Plutos in Libra (relationships, culture). Again, this is because we are similar in age. Yet this means that everyone around our age can be very powerful when it comes transforming culture and relationships when we work together. What is great to know is that not only is that the case but all of our Plutos in Libra are sextile Neptune (spirit) in Sagittarius (truth, knowledge, adventure).
Not only do people our age have the natural power to change (Pluto) culture and relations (Libra) but the sextile with Neptune in Sagittarius shows that we can change the spirituality (Neptune) of the world (Sagittarius).
Michael’s Mars (action) and Ceres (nurturing) in Gemini (diplomacy) are sextile (in harmony) with my Mars in Aries. This implies that we would be immensely powerful as collaborators.
What is also interesting is that in this chart Michael’s Saturn and my Saturn are both in Cancer. While this is due to the similarity in our ages, it does suggest that people around our age have suffered and felt uncomfortable (Saturn) in areas pertaining to Cancer (home, patriotism, feelings). Indeed many of us have felt this.
This chart shows that these themes are particularly pronounced here as Michael’s Saturn is afflicted by our Uranus in Libra (culture revolution). It’s also afflicted (square) our bellicose Jupiter/Mars conglomeration in Aries.
As we all know, the ones pulling the strings are controlling our culture to such a degree that prominent people are being compelled to pretend that I don’t exist. We see this absurd infringement of our human rights in Michael’s afflicted Saturn (repression) in Cancer (our homeland).
Another indication of immense potential can be seen between my Jupiter (knowledge, true religion, generosity, luck) in Aquarius (technology, philanthropy) and a trine with our Plutos in Libra. This once again this underscores that our collaboration could be about immense improvements (Jupiter) for humanity (Aquarius).