New Zealand’s Voices for Freedom interviews Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

Update: I’ve got a New Zealand version “Crying Game” red pill at the bottom of this post for those interested in such topics. Please spread it around. Maybe this will finally snap some people in Australia and New Zealand out of their deep and heavy hypnosis.


This interview offers some new details about the merchants of panic and the plan to force injections on the public. It is interesting for us to get a look into what’s happening in New Zealand. They are under the lockstep regime and more resistance is needed.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

I’m sharing the information below from the video which is hosted on Odysee.


This is an excerpt from a live webinar hosted by Voices For Freedom co-founders (Claire, Alia & Libby) with special guest Reiner Fuellmich on 02 September 2021 to update us on the international legal developments.

The full interview can be viewed here:

The views expressed in this video are the personal views of Reiner Fuellmich and not made on behalf of any institution or corporation and do not constitute specific legal or medical advice. The content is provided for educational purposes only.

For more podcasts on these and other topics relating to upholding our freedoms join Claire, Libby and Alia at VOICES FOR FREEDOM -

You can find Reiner and his team at the Investigative Corona Committee Germany here

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The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern appears to be a woman with something more, shall we say. I’m trying to demonstrate to you this whole show we’re being sold is not what it seems.

If YouTube takes down the video below, I’ll just say what’s in it. There’s something flapping around consistent with the male gender under that dress. Which means all this person’s talk about motherhood is probably just yet another illusion being fed to the public.

I backed the video up here because I know this is being deliberately hidden.

The truth about our self appointed leaders is so bizarre it is difficult to get people to believe it.

The truth about our self appointed leaders is so bizarre it is difficult to get people to believe it.

I’m trying to show my readers that truth really is stranger than fiction.

I’m trying to show my readers that truth really is stranger than fiction.

An extremist cult has hijacked authority and they use that authority to brand truth tellers as extremists.

An extremist cult has hijacked authority and they use that authority to brand truth tellers as extremists.

They accuse people like me of being exactly what they in fact are. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

They accuse people like me of being exactly what they in fact are.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

The reasonable and just have been pushed to the fringe by the extremist cult that has hijacked the center.

The reasonable and just have been pushed to the fringe by the extremist cult that has hijacked the center.

Can you see what I’m trying to show you? It seems so hard to show many what is so very in your face. Really look at people’s eyes. The transhumanism agenda has been well underway for many decades. If we want no part of it, we’re going to have to break away from the human experiments science lab club.

Can you see what I’m trying to show you? It seems so hard to show many what is so very in your face. Really look at people’s eyes. The transhumanism agenda has been well underway for many decades. If we want no part of it, we’re going to have to break away from the human experiments science lab club.

The truth is congruent. I hope people can notice when something is off. I feel like I’m in a sci fi movie a lot of the time with how things are going and I know I’m not alone in that.

The truth is congruent. I hope people can notice when something is off. I feel like I’m in a sci fi movie a lot of the time with how things are going and I know I’m not alone in that.

How did so many countries just so happen to get “Jacinda Arderns” at this moment? I’m singling this one out because the performance aspect is particularly in your face in this case. I’m trying to say it’s obviously a big theater troupe.

How did so many countries just so happen to get “Jacinda Arderns” at this moment? I’m singling this one out because the performance aspect is particularly in your face in this case. I’m trying to say it’s obviously a big theater troupe.

I hope people will learn how to differentiate real from fake. Getting fooled is really dangerous right now.

I hope people will learn how to differentiate real from fake. Getting fooled is really dangerous right now.