Dr. Wodarg gives medical information for those harmed by mRNA injections that are being forced on the public.

The injections that the public are being pressured to allow into their bodies - or else - are really causing damage and death. Yet major media and obviously bought centralized governments are still pushing this agenda so hard.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is an experienced pulmonologist and he was a parliamentarian in the German Bundestag and he was a member of the Council of Europe. Since he had been in a long position to do so in 2009, he was central in shutting down yet another virus scheme in the form of the Swine flu.

Learn here about even yet another suspicious virus/media/government situation.

Since we are fortunate that Dr. Wodarg is willing to share his experience and knowledge with us, let’s explore what he has to say even though it is not that easy for us non scientists to follow everything. This is a great time to learn so we can be armed with knowledge. Our enemy preys on ignorance.

To learn more about this world changing meeting click here and here

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich opens this session with Dr. Wodarg expressing the concerns of many doctors and scientists are raising that mRNA injected people may face certain challenges as the next flu season arises. Autoimmune reactions and thrombosis is expected in the fall and winter. Since the centralized governments have very obviously ceased to act in the interests of the public, the Corona committee is taking action. At least one specialized hospital is being set up to deal with side effects from the injections.

Dr. Wodarg says he’s getting more and more phone calls about effects from the so called “vaccinations”. Some people get better but they don’t know if the adverse effects will come back. They don’t know what was inside of what was injected into them. They don’t know how these gene technologies work. Whether it will have a short term effect or a long term effect.
Amidst wondering if the effects will return again, people also wonder if the contents of the injection can be reactivated? It is quite unknown.

There are two ways in which the mRNA are brought into the cells. One is through nanoparticles. The other is through virus vectors. There are viruses that change genetically. We are infected with the “vaccination” with these viruses. We’re not sure if they can multiply in the body. Can it replicate like polio viruses? We have seen that in the past with people who were vaccinated.
Inactive viruses have come back alive and been transferred to others. This happens with nucleic acid. It has not been observed yet what will happen. We have to be alert and vigilant here. We need to expect the worst.

If we listen to people who have been “vaccinated”, there are quite a lot of different reactions. Not to mention the fear associated with this situation but they have had family members or friends who have suffered from adverse effects. They want to know what they can do? Can they get rid of it or not?

Here we have made some recommendations, says Dr. Wodarg. One should be careful and monitor the spike proteins, by detecting the blood clotting parameters. The thrombocytes which are the small blood particles that stick together in the blood when you have a wound and they close it and the D-dimers that come from the fibrin and that organizes the blood clotting. Both can be detected in the blood. There can be fewer thrombocytes because they are being used in blood clotting or there is an increase in the D-dimers, these are signals that indicate thrombosis.
Microthrombosis is not notable always in the cases that we have had. There are cases that we have observed where 30 to 70 percent of “vaccinated” people have excess laboratory values. That is quite disturbing.
We have other concerns covering the technique being used for the “vaccination”. If the “vaccine” goes into the muscle, it is needed to know whether the injection went into a vein. One must know if the injection only went into the flesh. Now this isn’t being done anymore. The WHO stopped this procedure.

Doctors were asked how often the injection was put directly into the veins. The figure we have is ten percent. Then of course, the blood goes straight to the lungs and spreads throughout the body immediately where the nanoparticles or the adenoviruses depending on the vectors that are then applied to the cells directly can create the spikes. The spikes are what cause symptoms.

So there are different risks which are unpredictable. We can’t know where the needle stops, whether it’s inside the vein or not. It is important to know especially with this injection because if the spikes are in the vessel wall, then it is highly toxic and that’s what creates a lot of thrombosis, depending on where it is.

Lawyer Viviane Fischer asks if D-dimers increase on their own?

Dr. Wodarg responds that it’s like a traffic jam on the road when D-dimers are blocking up a vessel and it results in thrombosis. There should be a protocol in place for what to do. One has to check laboratory values. There are different enzymes in the blood that can be measured. This indicates the organ that can be effected. That’s part of the diagnostics approach.

Dr. Wodarg prepared a chart about deaths and side effects which have occurred to people who took the injections they were pressured by media and government to take for a virus which has not been isolated based on the pretext of a PCR Test which cannot tell us anything about infections.

Check this video here for a better look at this data.

Check this video here for a better look at this data.

Dr. Wodarg calls the above a practical sketch on checking side effects after SARS-CoV2 infections. He says it shows the different injections that are used in Germany. The chart lists data about the deaths of people under 65.
The top of the list, the majority of deaths, indicates people just dropping dead and this is strange when it is happening to people who should have lived longer. It’s strange that these things are not being inspected. Postmortems are not being done. It’s strange there’s such a long column on top without any unrest. That analysis could’ve been done with diagnostics.

The second column refers to strokes, thrombosis, emboli. We have breath insufficiencies caused by microthrombosis. Thrombosis might be the reason for that but the name is different. We have blood problems. That means circulation problems, coagulation disorders and the clotting of the small veins.