Mars, Uranus and Pluto are in a trine. Is it the perfect time to blow the whistle on secret society criminals?

I’ve been following the position of the planets to see if they really influence us. Supposedly the type of angle the planets are making says something about how those energies will blend.

Mars represents vitality, spirit, courage, action, pioneers, quick action,  war, brothers and Danielle Bertoia

Mars represents vitality, spirit, courage, action, pioneers, quick action, war, brothers and sisters.

credit: Danielle Bertoia

Upon looking at the chart of the moment on Astrodienst, I noticed that there is a prominent triangle (trine) that has formed between Mars, Uranus and Pluto. What can this mean?

Mars is associated with power, war and action. Uranus relates to technology, eccentricity, genius, rebellion and populism. Pluto is connected to death, healing, secrets, transformation and raw power. It’s is also viewed as a higher octave of Mars.



Pluto and Mars are both said to rule the constellation Scorpio. Scorpio is about a power and regeneration.

The lobby is the army of the plutocracy.

The lobby is the army of the plutocracy.

A trine between these planets means that their influence is flowing in a harmonious manner. I’m spelling this all out so we can look at this information. Is this chart an accurate cosmic weather report? Are the energies of technology, action and regeneration operating in harmony right now?

If this astrological knowledge has some use for us, then we could expect that we would be operating within the natural flow if we initiated action (Mars), exposing secretive criminals in power (Plutocracy-Pluto) in a technological manner for the cause of populism (Uranus).

Pluto represents explosions, transformation, secrets, manipulation, control, surrender, reincarnation, shadow, hidden gifts.

Pluto represents explosions, transformation, secrets, manipulation, control, surrender, reincarnation, shadow, hidden gifts.

You can test this out for yourself. According to this chart, right now it the perfect time for whistleblowing using technology. A great place to do just that is here at the site of Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

Mercury represents analysis, logic, linear thinking, intellect, education, communication, the thinking mind, discriminating.

Mercury represents analysis, logic, linear thinking, intellect, education, communication, the thinking mind, discriminating.

Mercury is connected to ideas and communication. This planet is in a harmonious aspect with Saturn (restrictions, boundaries). Is the restriction of our communication actually working for those committing the Constitutional violation and crime of censoring public safety facts? I actually think so.
Anyone censoring us has, I always noticed, incurred the wrath of the population (Uranus) shortly thereafter. I have learned that anyone who wants to be immediately despised and even passionately hated by the public only need to censor us. The rightly reviled group who censors us has little genuine influence. At this point they can only trick those who really don’t want to learn the truth, those willing to pay any price to maintain illusions.

Saturn represents longevity, focus, determination, limitations, delays, introspection, death, discipline.

Saturn represents longevity, focus, determination, limitations, delays, introspection, death, discipline.

Is censoring us really working for the plutocracy?

There are powers that far exceed theirs and I would like to make a point of saying that.