My rebellion against this system is to seek purity. I hope my reader will join me and that we will be able to take this vibration much higher. I’ve learned that different vibration levels can’t tune to each other all that well. We’ll be able to move on and we won’t even hear or see all those lies and games anymore. I want to not be a vibrational match to the global cartel.
Israeli Lawyer Rotem Brown is fighting the inhumanity campaign in Israel.
To help Rotem Brown fight for humanity in Israel, check out how on her Facebook page. She is requesting signatures to support her work ASAP. People who really believe in Never Again! need to show that with their actions because it is happening again. This time to all of us.
Rotem Brown has shown her true colors through her actions and she’s been warning the public about the extreme danger of the injections being pushed on us for many months. Read the report here.