The Corona Committee on the topic of effective resistance.

Lawyer Viviane Fischer opens the meeting discussing how people in Holland have been resisting vaccinations of children by photographing the ones leading children to harm. The individuals doing this fled to hide themselves from being identified in a way in which that they could later be held responsible for what they were trying to do.

Regular committee meeting! September 3rd from approx. 2:00 p.m CEST! - Topic excerpt: Diagnosis and treatment options for vaccine damage Vaccine damage competence center  Measles vaccinations and children in the crosshairs Resistance through photographic documentation The situation in Australia - a country in zero- covid mania Warning notices against aggressive vaccination advertising This is from Dr. Fuellmich’s telegram page.

Regular committee meeting! September 3rd from approx. 2:00 p.m CEST! -

Topic excerpt: Diagnosis and treatment options for vaccine damage

Vaccine damage competence center
Measles vaccinations and children in the crosshairs

Resistance through photographic documentation

The situation in Australia - a country in zero- covid mania Warning notices against aggressive vaccination advertising

This is from Dr. Fuellmich’s telegram page.



Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says that we are no longer proving whether the pandemic is genuine or not. We have determined that the pretexts behind the situation are fraudulent.
He says he is in contact with California politicians who are no longer willing to go along with the tyranny.

To watch the video, click here.

Dr. Fuellmich shows a video where French people ignore the edicts against the people by having picnics on the sidewalk.

Ms. Fischer brings up how children are being obligated to choose dangerous genetic experimental injections without the consent of their parents or any ability to gauge what they are doing to themselves.

What should we do if employers require injections? Dr. Fuellmich says that there is no legal foundation for these forced injections. It is illegal to force people to comply with a fraudulent campaign. There is no legal foundation for this.
There are only false claims.

These governments have ceased to represent the interests of the people. The governments have been seized by the World Economic Forum faction. The current “leaders” are graduates from the young leaders program of the WEF. Many of them even have fraudulent resumés.

Dr. Fuellmich says that forcing people to wear masks is psychologically and biologically damaging. He mentions how a judge who ruled in favor of the truth was raided at his house. This was really to intimidate judges all over the world.

Dr. Fuellmich is appealing to the court of public opinion. The court of justice will follow us.

Ms. Fischer says that photographing people in the midst of attempting to permanently harm children can be done for one’s own records, in order to prove criminal activity in the future. This action is legally permitted from public spaces but not within a bus or a building.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg discusses the plans to help those harmed by the injections that the public has been pressured to take. He says that it is impossible to know the extent of the danger that these injections pose. He discusses the various ailments associated with the mRNA injections and ideas about treating these ailments.

A video of a young woman harmed tremendously after taking an mRNA injection is shown. The young woman shakes and has extremely abnormal marks on her body and doctors don’t know what to do for her.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Dr. Wodarg explains how when a Corona virus reaches a person probably this Autumn or Winter, who has taken an mRNA injection, a reaction may be triggered that causes the body attack itself.
He says the shedding issue needs to be addressed and there is a potential for this to be a real concern.

Just say no to abuse.

Just say no to abuse.

A man named Bernie from Australia reports on how there was a mass killing of dogs based on the pretext of the virus pandemic. People were ready to adopt the dogs and they arrived to pick them up - people were following all the measures - then they heard the dogs were all killed and there was an outcry about it. Bernie says he thinks these type of actions are about ruining everything fun.

Bernie says the Corona hospital ward that he personally witnessed in Australia did not have a single patient in it. Dr. Fuellmich verifies that he has heard of similar circumstances all over the world. He says the only way to stop this horror show is for people to rise up. The problem is not the virus, it’s the injections that are causing such harm.

Bernie says the mood of Australia is glum. The people don’t get it and they are too afraid. An old lady yelled at him for not wearing a mask and said, “I’m going to die because of you!” Bernie says he is being threatened with arrest for crimes he may yet commit. He says it’s a full police state.

The mainstream media tears apart anyone who doesn’t go along with the totalitarian regime and he cites the example of a man by the last name of Palmer. A Father Paul, who is a minister, was arrested for resisting. Journalists are being arrested and ordered to delete their internet channels. Bernie can’t move freely and his daughter can’t even visit him freely. Neighbors are being encouraged to denounce infractions of labrynthine rules.
He can only travel 5 kilometers and he has to check the internet to see what the rules are that day. It is illegal for him to visit his own child as it’s outside of his 5 kilometer perimeter.
Bernie says there were drones over people’s houses to make sure people were not having parties and police came to the door to make sure people were isolated.

Bernie says the tv says day and night that everyone has to get vaccinated if they want to get free. Yet people who get the injections are not permitted more freedom than those who will not consent to the experimental mRNA injections.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Bernie says people who won’t go along are publicly shamed. He says the real virus is ABC media.
Dr. Fuellmich says he is shocked that Australia is going along with this and he describes Lawyer Tony Nikolic who cannot even see his own client who has been locked up essentially for protesting.
Bernie says that protesters are being shot with rubber bullets. Police are shutting down travel. Heavy fines are being levied to protesters. He says huge “camps” are being set up under the pretext of “quarantines”.

The Australians handed in their guns based on the pretext of a massacre. He says he’s the only one without a mask in the street and people look at him like he’s a murderer for not complying. Bernie says people need to learn to say no in Australia.

This is the fight between good and evil.

This is the fight between good and evil.

Activist Willem Christiaan Engel comes on from Holland. He runs a resistance movement, Viruswaarheid, and says that Australia is the beta test and what is happening in Australia will come to Europe if we do not resist. Mr. Engel warns of trends involving a measles situation. Mr. Engel has done very extensive research and sees a new hidden hand type plan to inject resisters.

Young people are being told they can dance and have fun again if they are injected, which is a huge breach of ethics. Major efforts are underway to reach hill dwellers in Cambodia with injections. Mr. Engel says the push to inject everyone is coming bizarrely from veterinarians and that we can look to cattle to find out what is happening to them. Now cattle can vaccinate each other through shedding.

To view the video, click here.

To view the video, click here.

Mr. Engel shows the results of his research where he thinks there is a loophole being created involving the idea of measles. This looks like a plan to neutralize opposition to oligarchical plots.
Mr. Engel is asking lawyers to please send letters. People need to photograph those who are luring children to harm. Pressure needs to be kept up against the rampant criminality and corruption crisis.

Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost joins the conference. She witnessed a shift where racism became a public health emergency. She serves on 25 boards. Then all the boards shifted funding based on the idea that racism was a public health emergency. Sue Frost asked for the law to be acknowledged as well and that was shut down. She considered that a red flag.
Authority was officially shifted to a health officer. People called Supervisor Frost begging her for help in order to reopen their businesses. Doctors would call her saying, “there are remedies for the virus and the media won’t cover it”.
Supervisor Frost realized that the CDC was blocking treatment. A huge amount of information is not being told to the public. She believes people are being ordered to take injections without informed consent. People are just being told the injections are safe.
Informed consent means that people are made to understand the risks in a language they can understand.

She wants to know why we can’t talk about alternative remedies to viruses. The CDC instructed the pharmacy not to give her the proper medicine for the virus she contracted. The CDC politicized medicine and turned it upside down. The CDC is now apparently in charge of her health decisions. This is a red flag for her. This is her line in the sand.

That choice of what she puts in her body is up to her. She knows the mask is not doing anything beneficial but she put up with it. She says we will lose our rights if we don’t exercise them.

Nurses say 80 percent of the people who have taken injections are suffering adverse effects. Ailments are increased all across the board. If one has been injected, ailments are not regarded as connected to that injection.

Supervisor Frost says she was alarmed when a doctor told her, “my hands are tied.”

Government is luring people with the illusion of approval, prizes, ice cream, they are telling people to save the world by taking the “vaccine”.
She says that when the new Delta variant was said to come out people were told they should take the same old vaccine. Supervisor Frost asks, “Why is this vaccine so amazing?”

She says she knows multiple people dying, dead and/or paralyzed after vaccination. She asks these people if they reported these injuries to VAERS and they say they don’t know what that is.
For voicing concerns, Supervisor Frost says she’s been vilified by media. She says she been framed as an extremist for posing reasonable questions.

She says you need to be in a place where the alternative is worse than what is happening. She made an oath to hold up the Constitution. She says it’s one thing when people are informed. It’s another thing when an entire generation of children are at risk.
Supervisor Frost brings up Patrick King and how he got the court in Alberta to admit that the COVID virus was never isolated. Scientists could only isolate influenza a and influenza b.
Supervisor Frost is requesting to know why this injection is the treatment for past virus strains, a virus that can’t be isolated. She just wants an answer on that question.

Dr. Fuellmich says this campaign is so monstrous that we can only deal with it on a spiritual level.
Supervisor Frost says she will give up anything else before her health: “We have the heart of a lion and we want to be free.”

To watch the video above, click here.

She cites a number of the recent attempts to push forced vaccinations through legislative bodies. The federal government is operating outside of their bounds. We are in a position where we must exercise our rights.

Dr. Fuellmich says, “Use it or lose it.”

He commends her for her heroism.

A former college friend of Dr. Fuellmich’s, Lawyer Björn Pirrwirtz joins the conference to discuss rampant violations of medical advertising laws.

Popular people cannot be used to push medical products. It cannot be promised that a condition will improve. Threats are prohibited also.

Anyone trying to sell this medical product can be sued. He says all inducements like lotteries, ice cream and cab rides are illegal. Why is no one dealing with this? Where are the consumer protection agencies? There is cause for a massive class action lawsuit here. He says pretty much everything going on with the corona crisis is illegal and this needs to be addressed in criminal law.

All the people pushing these medical products are breaking the law. They can be prosecuted and they are the weak link in the chain.

The media is saying the first injections didn’t work so take another. And then take more every six months and if you don’t, you can’t go anywhere. That’s absurd.

Mr. Pirrwirtz is ready to rally up a lot of lawyers to go after these individuals who keep constantly breaking the law. Public figures are not legally permitted to push medical products.

If Youtube takes the video above down, it is backed up here.

This is a great opportunity for lawyers and they should seize it, everyone in the meeting agrees.