I hope our German citizens will support Dr. Reiner Fuellmich for Kanzler (Chancellor)

Humanity is crying out for law enforcement. No one should be above the law. Can you hear this cry? I most certainly do! It’s like a force of nature. Can illusory money power criminality stand up and mow down for another 200 years the combined rage of an entire planet? That’s what we’re going to find out. The side one is on is who one is. There is no playing both sides. This is the Judgement.

It really is death vs. life. This has been amply proven by now.

I named my art project “Gemeinschaftprojekt” in 2014 because I wanted to vindicate GOOD GERMANY. Please show the world your incredible TALENT and COURAGE and help the rest of us find our way out of this cult hijacking we are enduring. We need to unite as one.

I named my art project “Gemeinschaftprojekt” in 2014 because I wanted to vindicate GOOD GERMANY. Please show the world your incredible TALENT and COURAGE and help the rest of us find our way out of this cult hijacking we are enduring. We need to unite as one.