Sometimes I look at the edits on Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild’s Wikipedia entries.

There is a lot of genuine feeling happening there and there are a lot of publicists clearly constantly trying to clean it up. That is the truth. They can’t hide the truth. No matter how hard they may try. No matter how many publicists they pay. No matter how many politicians they bribe and blackmail. No matter how many times they TRY hiding behind that propaganda guilt trip construct they created for themselves. We know the nature of their real religion. They are still just mortals hiding behind “security” on a planet full of those of us who FULLY COMPREHEND what their group has been doing to us.
Even their legions of murder victims cry out to me. One especially dominates.

When every single arrow of global malice points in neon red letters to one name, the name Red Shield, there is most certainly a reason for that. If this is a war between Lucifer, his fallen angels and the money worshippers against US then so be it.

Bring it on.

Learn their modus operandi and they’ll never fool us again. They cannot harm us without us betraying ourselves.
Please, humanity, learn finally once and for all where our true interests lie. We’re here to help each other. We’re here to grow.

They can only play tricks of persuasion. They don’t really have power. They can’t take my life because it is eternal and I will never give it to them.

Please EXPOSE THEM. Please tell everything you know, even if you must stay anonymous. The victims are crying out for justice and justice this long deferred is becoming excruciating because I feel it so deeply.

Please join us if you haven’t already.

Above is an example of the type of additions frequently scrubbed from the Wikipedia of BRITISH ARISTOCRAT of German and perhaps Khazar origin, Sir Jacob Rothschild of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty which constantly warred on Napoleon and slowly murdered him through agents and then told the world he died of natural causes. I do this work to put rest to at least 1 of their lies.

Above is an example of the type of additions frequently scrubbed from the Wikipedia of BRITISH ARISTOCRAT of German and perhaps Khazar origin, Sir Jacob Rothschild of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty which constantly warred on Napoleon and slowly murdered him through agents and then told the world he died of natural causes. I do this work to put rest to at least 1 of their lies.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

We know when that light begins to dawn, there will no stopping it. All efforts will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.Harold Wallace Rosenthal - Rosenthal said this right before terrorists killed him. Figure out the identity of the real terrorists.

We know when that light begins to dawn, there will no stopping it. All efforts will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.

Harold Wallace Rosenthal - Rosenthal said this right before terrorists killed him. Figure out the identity of the real terrorists.

That Time is now.

That Time is now.

Every single thing they do right now only backfires.

Every single thing they do right now only backfires.

They only have the power we give them.

God will send us miracles but it is up to each one of us to do our part.

God will send us miracles but it is up to each one of us to do our part.





We are 1

We are 1



Join our non predatory money system.

Join our non predatory money system.



Terrorists should not have a monopoly on the money system.Terrorists should not be treated as if they are “above the law”.

Terrorists should not have a monopoly on the money system.

Terrorists should not be treated as if they are “above the law”.

This is the judgement .We are the jury.We decide the verdict.It’s up to us.

This is the judgement .

We are the jury.

We decide the verdict.

It’s up to us.