A Quantas Pilot Speaks Out.

In this very moving video, a brave Australian Captain Graham Hood describes how he cannot fulfill his duties as a pilot and allow himself to be injected with a known dangerous injection serum.

He discusses the descent into martial law we are all enduring and how the supranational structures must be opposed with a united front or else it’s the end for humanity.

He says that’s it’s his faith that is keeping him going and that he cannot give up his honesty and his soul for a paycheck and the illusion that this psychological warfare campaign will end when he submits to a known dangerous injection.

The link is here.

The link is here.

I’ve paraphrased his story but I highly recommend that you listen to how he expresses himself. I am also putting my soul first and I know I have a future spiritually as long as I stay aligned with a God that really is present in my life. I work for Him. I am His agent and I am His publicist.

People have free will.

Those who want to go along with the “globalists” will be following them where they are headed.

I will not ever follow them.

They are infernal.