Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and company discuss what we are up against.

The video in English is here.

Topic excerpts:
Rare earths in vials?
Corruption in the legal system: arbitrary application of law as a weapon against dissidents and to protect those in power

Pia Lamberty: The Network Behind the Conspiracy Theory "Specialist"
Myocarditis in young men after corona "vaccination"

The link is here.

The link is here.

In the meeting, Professor Werner Bergholz discusses how he found rare earth metals from the injections in autopsies from people who died soon after injection. How did this happen? Why do private citizens have to do the work of the vial manufacturers and governments? Why are clearly potentially lethal injections being forced on the public by every means available to media and government?

Prof. expresses how children have minimal risk of contracting and transmitting flu infection. There is no reason for them to be injected and it harms them. They are being pressured to be injected for mere political reasons. He doesn’t see why this is being pushed.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich mentions how harmful ingredients are in the serums being pushed on the public. This is a matter of murder. He says that the corrupt system must be addressed.
Dr. Fuellmich describes the fraudulent loaning practices of Deutsche Bank and the attempts of politicians to set these fraudsters “above the law”. He cites this as an example of how the legal system is a “smoking pile of rubble”. It works against the people most of the time.

The link is here.

The link is here.

Lawyer Wilfred Schmitz joins the meeting discussing the failure of the legal system. The “elites” are “above the law”. They do anything they want because they are not afraid of penalties. They own the country. The people must understand how disastrous it is for us to have no protection from the law, he says.

Mr. Schmitz cites how the 911 terrorism event has been proven completely - it was an inside job, a controlled demolition - and the terrorists get away with it. This is a perversion of justice. He says the courts in Germany will just will not rule in favor of protecting children from the Corona measures. The judges refuse to even review evidence.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Dr. Fuellmich says we need to appeal to discovery and class action lawsuits that are available in the US legal system.

Mr. Schmitz mentions how the subversion of the legal system in Germany is the same now as it was done under the Third Reich. The strategies employed are nothing new. He describes how presently children are being tortured. People lives are destroyed but prostitutes’ rights to stay in business are upheld. Mr. Schmitz reads the names of judges who are behaving in this manner.

There is an election on Sunday and Mr. Schmitz hopes that some common sense will return to the German government. He cites that all major religions speak of a Judgement Day. Are these judges ready to face God for what they have done to their country?

Mr. Schmitz says we need to connect.

Dr. Fuellmich says he believes Judgement Day may be right around the corner.

Activist Vilifier Pia Lamberty.

Activist Vilifier Pia Lamberty.

Journalist Colin Meier joins the conversation. He discusses an “expert” named Pia Lamberty. Her suspicious funding and conflicts of interest are mentioned. Mr. Meier says she maligns resisters of fascist measures as people who are violent, insane and paradoxically fascist.

The link is here.

The link is here.

Mr. Meier says it’s an uncontested fact that we are under NSA surveillance yet if we believe this is the case, we are framed as “conspiracy theorists”. Individuals like Pia Lamberty attempt to frame us for recognizing uncontested facts. This “expert’s” conflicts of interests and sources of funding need to be understood by the public.

This is really sneaky propaganda.

Mr. Meier shows how a network is working together in a clandestine manner to create the pseudoscientific impression that recognizing the existence of obvious uncontested conspiracies constitutes a mental disorder.

The Compact organization is said to be part of these machinations. Mr. Meier suggests spy agencies are the force behind these strategies of discrediting those who expose what those rogue agencies are in fact doing. He explains how these efforts are ultimately to clear the way - by neutralizing opposition - towards the push for genetically modified foods.

Dr. Fuellmich says it’s always the same crowd playing these games.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg joins the call to discuss myocarditis afflicting young men who have taken the injection. He says it’s strange the World Health Organization doesn’t care if this serum is going into the vein or the muscle. The WHO isn’t even saying why they are dispensing with this important medical distinction.

The link is here. This video is backed up here.

The link is here. This video is backed up here.

Dr. Wodarg says young athletic men are just dropping dead after injection. He suggests spike proteins injected into the blood can result in heart failure. He explains how gene modification injection injury can look like a “covid death” by how the serum affects breathing and lungs.

Dr. Wodarg says the frequently deadly injections pushed by politicians is a worse crime than racketeering. It is monstrous that people are losing their jobs for not taking an injection that kills. He believes what’s behind this is the desire to do mass experiments on humans. The biomedical industry are calling these injections “vaccines” so they can get away with doing a massive amount of experiments on humans.

Dr. Wodarg says these are clear violations of the Nuremberg Code. This is Mengele. The public cannot know what is in the vial they are pressured to accept. Humans are being treated as guinea pigs and they are being fooled by institutions run at the top by amoral individuals.

Dr. Wodarg encourages people to reveal the illegal things that are occurring in corrupt “health” institutions.
A place to do this is here.

Dr. Wodarg asks for the German public to vote in their upcoming elections.

The link is here.

The link is here.