Amazing lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen discusses the reality of a degenerated European legal system.

This brave lawyer, Dr. Renate Holzeisen says in the video below that even the injection’s manufacturers says their serum is not for the treatment of the viruses that have already circulated. It’s to treat ones that may POSSIBLY occur. The video shows documents to this effect. Dr. Holzeisen also shows huge demonstrations in Italy against the government and major media’s combined attempts to create discrimination and huge social divides in Italy.

Dr. Holzeisen also laments that the first responders who were lauded as heroes a year ago, who worked tirelessly, are now being thrown out into the street for not taking an injection that they saw kill and harm many. Dr. Holzeisen is representing these victims of the supranational group who has infiltrated the European legal system from within.

It is also discussed how many of those fooled by an “official” media narrative are now very invested in continuing to believe in the false story because they don’t want to admit they were fooled and that they have taken an extremely dangerous gene modification serum.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says in this report that these governments no longer represents the interests of the people and one way or another this must end. These supranational self appointed rulers are only bringing us death and there is need for there to be a future of life in Europe.

To watch the longer video with smoking gun data about medical disinformation disseminated by media and government, click here. Back up of this video is here and here.

To watch the longer video with smoking gun data about medical disinformation disseminated by media and government, click here. Back up of this video is here and here.

It is clear that they are not vaccines and they have not been approved.

It is clear that they are not vaccines and they have not been approved.

For the prevention of infections.

For the prevention of infections.

But only substances that are intended to prevent COVID 19.

But only substances that are intended to prevent COVID 19.

To misinform the population to the effect that these substances

To misinform the population to the effect that these substances

Are suitable for interrupting the chain of infection.

Are suitable for interrupting the chain of infection.

To watch a shorter version of this video, click here. The video is also backed up here.

To watch a shorter version of this video, click here. The video is also backed up here.