I truly believe that my art and the ideas behind it will appreciate in value and I can only make so much art in my lifetime. I’ve also been working with stones and I’ve been doing experiments with them, charging them with rainbow sparkly energy. Then I broadcast these sparkle chambers.
During this last year, my health has improved enormously as I’ve been working with these stones. The impression I’m getting is that these charged stones can absorb pain when I apply them to painful spots. My idea is that I’m wondering if these stones will also bless other people. This is why I’m so interested in getting them into new hands. Will other people experience similar improvements to what I’ve experienced?
For a long time, money was backed by the idea that you could trade paper currency for gold on demand at a bank. Now fiat currency is backed by an unelected Federal Reserve Committee.
Be the change that you wish to see in the worid.
My idea has been to establish a new kind of currency backed by stones from this project. I can distribute digital currency against these stones. Not only that but I can honor that currency. When I give out digital currency, it is backed against my work or obligations that I must redeem. In other words, if a holder of my currency asks me, I have to take that currency. I must honor it.
I am hoping that people will understand the value of this idea and that they will get into a practice of honoring this money also. Meaning, that participation in this money system would involve exchanging it. One person asks for something from another and then the transaction is marked somewhere in public. It’s like a system of generosity.
My name is on the line with every transaction. It is an honor based transparent currency. I explain more about this here.
To get this process moving, I’m offering an auction starting at 99 cents which is really about encouraging people to try this stone/Pomander/essential oil product that I’ve created that has worked so well for me.
The scented Pomander is charged with an essential oil blend that facilitates breathing. I’m also offering a beautiful atomizer bottle with the improving blend to charge the Pomander. The stone does seem to absorb and dissolve pain and the idea behind this product is that the stone itself is set in a way where it can be attached into other more elaborate forms of jewelry.
The auction I’m running includes 1 stone of the nature above, a 15mm lab sapphire. These stones are attachable to each other in a myriad of ways.
Here is the latest on the auction I’m running. If you want digital Tansters to try this money out or to just have a stake in my project and prospects, email me at therealtanster@gmail.com
To go to the auction, click here.
I’m hoping you’ll understand my motivation and that you’ll see the benefit of joining this effort.
The point of this is to show that money can take many forms and that together we can tailor money systems to suit our needs.
Money backed by something of inherent value is better than money backed by illusions and force.
The people actually decide what is money by honoring it.
Honoring money that harms us is bad for us.
Any flaw in an economic model can be reformed as long as there is faith in the currency and the underlying commodity backing the currency.
An artists’ work can back a currency if people understand that it will appreciate. It will appreciate if there’s demand for it. There is demand for it if it holds value in people’s perceptions.
Our money could be backed by actual objects that we need or value, rather than by force and media illusions.
We only need an open dialogue, some participants and the will to organize.