To the individuals who think it’s okay to lie about me on the internet.

Update: Now whenever I go on SoundCloud I’m now shown a creepy threatening man in skull makeup making the shush sign to his lips. Whatever they do only exposes them. This threatening image is shown to me while I’m “ghost towned” all over the internet pretty much whatever I do.
SoundCloud used to show me everyday when I was uploading, writing on a bathroom wall saying “LSD is safe and fun”. I complained twice about it on this blog and finally they stopped putting that in my face. Another time there was a really creepy witch being stuck there in my view for weeks straight whenever I was uploading. SoundCloud has a very novel approach to marketing.

I want people to see their games. Because I want those games to not work anymore for them. Just because they want to go all totalitarian doesn’t mean I have any incentive or motivation to go along with it. Fascism and slavery is just not for me and I will not give in to it. Whatever they say, whatever they want to turn themselves into, that’s got nothing to do with me.

The original post that I published before that new threatening image just so happened to constantly appear on SoundCloud for me is below:

Are they lying about me? If so, why are they lying about me? Is honesty a massive problem for the group holding the reins of the internet? If so, why would this be? Is it impossible at this time for an honest person to get honest numbers? If so, why would that be? Why must lies be affixed to my work no matter what I do? Is that fair? Is that legal? Sounds like discrimination against the honest. Why would a group practice discrimination against the honest? Isn’t it enough that they can lie to and through practically everyone else? Why is that not enough lying? Can there ever be enough lying for this group to be happy with the level of lying going on under their global regime?

I cannot become a liar because I’m not willing to lose my soul and my connection to God in order to conform with their system. Their system is not worth anything along those lines in my eyes.

Every single day I ask myself how this group thinks it’s okay to treat us in this way. How is there a whole entire group with no conscious or empathy at all? That’s why it’s so hard to believe this group even exists for most people. Most humans can’t believe that such heartlessness exists.

With my Napoleon Memoirs, I’m trying to teach myself and others languages and honest history. I pay SoundCloud to upload there. I’ve had these OBVIOUSLY false numbers for years. How can they justify to themselves their obvious campaign to try and keep us in ignorance and confusion? Why can’t they live and let live? Why do they have to profit and exploit at our expense? Why do their plots and plans always have to involve us? We don’t want any part of their agendas.

Why does their behavior have to be so dishonest and predatory? Even if these individuals were born into a cult and abused - as I suspect -

Stop abusing us!
STOP IT! Regain your humanity please.

I know I worked with individuals from this cult when I was a celebrity photographer and worked in media. MOST of the publicists were stressed out of their minds and they were clearly terrified of “whoever” it was they all ultimately seem to work for.
No matter how much this group controls the financial system, media and governments, they don’t have the right to bully and blackmail us into joining or dying for their dishonest cult.

One knows them by their actions. Karma is real. What goes around comes around. There’s no spell or incantation, ritual, visualization, manifestation or big lie that’s going to get this group out of cosmic justice.

Everything this group keeps trying to throw at me only returns to them greatly amplified.
Have they asked themselves why their schemes don’t seem to work anymore and why their plots keep backfiring and why the public is now so very onto them?

The public doesn’t see a fraction of what they throw at me because they are so sneaky and it’s hard to prove their actions and I would look crazy talking about it because what they do is so insane.

It’s time for repentance.

One way or another, the genocidal eugenicists will get caught for the mass murder they have inflicted on humanity. Count on it.

One way or another, the genocidal eugenicists will get caught for the mass murder they have inflicted on humanity.

Count on it.

Thieves and liars don’t get to keep what they stole from us.

Thieves and liars don’t get to keep what they stole from us.