Dr. Reiner Fuellmich describes representing a mass rising up of police officers and municipal employees in California.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich opens the meeting which occurred August, 27, 2021, with an update on the mass movement that is happening in California.
Dr. Fuellmich is working with members of the San Francisco Police Department and they will file suit. This is on behalf of one third of the police force. 37,000 officers in total. 170 firefighters are not just going to go along either.
His clients feel what is happening is pure tyranny. They feel they have to stand up. That will trigger an avalanche. 220,000 postal workers out of 500, 000 - possibly more - are saying, “We are also now out of the game”. Many things are happening says Dr. Fuellmich.

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To watch the entire video, click here.

Former pharmaceutical rep Elisabeth Linder joins the conference and says when she began in the pharmaceutical industry, she could agree with what she was doing. A shift occurred when the polio vaccine went from an oral dose to an injection. There was no change, except it was just more expensive. It went from 9 German Marks to 45 Marks. Then there was a push for many more vaccinations.

Dr. Fuellmich asks if it true that the pharmaceutical business doesn’t aim for health but to make more money?

Ms. Linder explains there were more mortalities once chicken pox became treated by vaccines. Back when she was a pharmaceutical representative, Ms. Linder went into a meeting and it was communicated to staff: We create market. That approach to health bothered her a lot.
She says people get chicken pox and they get over it. Then pharmaceutical companies started pushing vaccinations for it. It’s good for people to get chicken pox and to get over it. Chicken pox wasn’t really a problem and yet it was turned into one for profit.

Did the vaccination against chicken pox really help asks Dr. Fuellmich?

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To watch the video, click here.

Elisabeth Linder says the whole point of chicken pox vaccination was to put new products on the market. It wasn’t necessary.

Although the population thinks pharmaceutical products are for their benefit, the goal for them is profit, Ms. Linder says.

Ms. Linder found it difficult to stomach her job as a pharmaceutical rep when children started to die from vaccinations.

Lawyer Viviane Fischer asks why so many vaccinations are pushed on children? Some vaccinations include up to six different ones in them.

Ms. Linder says nothing good is behind it.

Dr. Fuellmich asks if she thinks no vaccines are necessary?

Ms. Linder is at the point where she says she thinks no vaccine is necessary. Tetanus and dipheria have medications available for their treatment yet doctors are not educated about these matters.
Children generally have good immune systems but not with vaccinations.
Dr. Fuellmich asks Ms. Linder if homeopathic medicine is better. Does this knowledge need to be regained?
Dr. Fuellmich continues on about how oil companies invented the pharmaceutical industry and used their organizational power to create fear in people. They hired professors to discredit traditional healing remedies. The FDA was established by the same people. Certain members of the Rockefeller family were a part of this initiative Dr. Fuellmich says.
Ms. Linder expresses how the lying going on is so perverse. It took a long time for her to realize the extent of the lying. Things have to start changing. People shouldn’t believe that these vaccines will help them and provide a means for them to regain their normal life.

She continues saying many doctors know little about vaccinations. It’s not a large part of their training. Ms. Linder says she would just present vaccine information and then it was accepted. Doctors just cared about the time between the shots. The large part of the doctors never questioned it.

Lawyer Viviane Fischer adds she worked with a nurse once who worked with adverse effects on children from vaccinations. Children are now in the US vaccinated when they are born.

Ms. Linder says it’s cruel. The adverse effects are ignored. They are just ignored. Now it’s just said that they are sick and it has nothing to do with the vaccinations. This is criminal. The 6 fold vaccination used on children harms them and then it is blasphemy to discuss it. Children have died and the autopsy findings were kept secret. Of course no mother would agree to vaccinate her child if she knew.

Spanish flu wasn’t as bad as it was made out to be. It was the vaccinations that killed people. They vaccinated the soldiers and most of them died and it was said that the flu killed them. Then people were told they had to get vaccinations to protect the soldiers coming home. It was the same as today. It’s on a bigger scale now though.

Ms. Linder says she believes events surrounding Spanish flu were experiments like what was done in World War 2 with individuals like Mengele. These experiments were funded by the Rockefellers.

Dr. Fuellmich says for this to happen, the doctors have to play along. How are doctors persuaded to play along?

Ms. Linder says maybe doctors haven’t been informed. She also says that doctors would enjoy lavish vacations several times a year from the pharmaceutical companies.

Linder says it was called “advanced training” and they were nice trips with their wife or with not their wife. It was all a façade to make people play along.

Ms. Linder says the results of the 6 fold vaccinations were not made public. There should have been an outcry about it. It is crazy to give a baby a tetanus injection. A baby can’t catch it. It’s because they can’t get a hold of the person later.

Dr. Fuellmich says now there are expected 500,000 deaths from “vaccinations” in the US and that can’t be covered up.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg joins the discussion and speaks about his career as a doctor. He says there is massive pressure on doctors to vaccinate and they play on the consciences of those who resist.
Dr. Wodarg says it is necessary to look at the details to determine the pros and cons of vaccinations. There is a tendency to bury results that the pharmaceutical companies do not want. There have been efforts to change change that. Transparency should be a requirement no matter what the result.

Now that children are getting 20 vaccinations as children, we have no idea how that will impact them.
We need to support immune systems. Viruses keep getting hyped to sell medical products and it’s craziness, Dr. Wodarg says.

Dr. Fuellmich says that immunity comes from dealing with viruses. Getting sick fighting against a similar corona virus leads to immunity in the future.

Natural immunity is much stronger than any vaccination.

Ms. Linder rejoins the conversation and Dr. Fuellmich asks if she could do it over would she have joined the pharmaceutical industry?

She says no, because of the harm done, particularly to children. It’s not just that what they do doesn’t help but it does a lot of damage.
She reached a point where she couldn’t live with herself any more representing products that weren’t needed. She saw that politics were involved. It’s much worse today. They are actually limiting oxygen intake now. She says she will take no more pharmaceutical products.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Pharmacist Dr. Andre Toussaint joins the conference to discuss how the public keep having medical emergencies pushed on them by media. Children that were vaccinated because of the hyped up swine flu now are enduring severely impaired lives. They can’t drive. They are chronically ill. They suffer from narcolepsy. All efforts were made to suppress this information. Victims were severely discredited. Vaccination producers were absolved from all liability. The ones responsible wanted to everything done to keep themselves from facing consequences. This the misuse of power for personal profit.

Dr. Toussaint discusses how the big companies have back door access to political contacts to get governments to work in their interests.

Dr. Fuellmich asks who monitors the vaccine producers?

Dr. Toussaint says that criminality is occurring and that transparency is necessary. Genetic information is being taken.

Dr. Wodarg says he’s been following mRNA technology for 15 years. Dr. Wodarg reminds us that we don’t know what’s in these “vaccination” vials. These maniacs could be giving people anything he emphasizes. There’s always an appetite for researchers to open new markets. This is an opportunity for them to abuse this. He asks how can we protect people from these criminal experiments?

Dr. Fuellmich says his team is working towards buying a hospital to help treat people from adverse effects from the vaccines. When people get sick this fall, it will probably be hyped as COVID but it is more than likely it will be a reaction in response to seasonal flu involving antibody dependent enhancement.

Jörn Pelka and Elke Eisenhauer then enter the meeting speaking as medium size business owners. The corruption is so extreme that they are ready to help organize major changes. Dr. Fuellmich says we have a chance to create a real bottom up democracy.

Dr. Wodarg says we must not give in to a totalitarian system because that’s giving up on ourselves.
Ms. Fischer believes that the population is aware that the window of opportunity is open for us to create a new way. Every one has power. Everyone can be informed. Everyone who gets off their sofa and brings someone else with them can make a difference.

Dr. Wodarg says it can be fun to get involved with civic affairs.