The item will be sent free shipping. The necklace has 0 bids at 99 cents. I’m planning on including a small bottle of my perfumed oil blend with this sparkly necklace. This is an experiment and everyday we will keep monitoring it and I plan to keep this program going long term. This is about exploring how money works and how we could form our own money based on objects that have inherent value, money that’s actually based on something rather than illusions. The auction is here of you’re interested.
To go to auction, click here.
This precious stone was in my stream for months as it frequently was taken down.
This precious blue stone is now being featured prominently in the livestream. Click on the stream if you’d like to see it live.
Will being on a sparkly broadcast impact the stone? I have been working with these stones to see if putting them in a sparkle chamber impacts their energy and they feel amazing after a stone has been in the stream set for a while. There have been many improvements in my health and finances since I’ve set up these sparkle dioramas. I’ve also put spinning sparkle stones near my plants and the plants thrive and grow towards the rainbow sparkles.
A lot of the point of this project is to try and prove that most things in life are pretty much the opposite of what we have been told. Since, 9/2014, I’ve made a practices of giving what I can and I’ve found that this has actually brought me a lot more than I had initially. I’m trying to show that giving is a better way.
What’s going to happen? Stay tuned.
Be the change you want to see.