“If Not Us, Then Who?” The extermination agenda continues as long as we allow it.

The German video was ripped down from YouTube as this meeting was happening.

The Corona Committee meets to expose the global genocide program being promoted right now “from the top”. It’s up to you to figure out who that is and what you’re going to do about it.

Session 70: September 17th, from approx. 11:00 a.m. CEST - Indications of increased abortions after COVID vaccination. Nonconfrontational ways of intervention. Administrations: The mood is tilting German burden-sharing law and other threats to SMES  Sweden - between political reality, news coverage and international glorification.Erosion of Greek Civil Society and Potentials of Resistance.Death from J&J vaccination: Now also officially confirmed.

Session 70:

September 17th, from approx. 11:00 a.m. CEST -

Indications of increased abortions after COVID vaccination.
Nonconfrontational ways of intervention.

Administrations: The mood is tilting

German burden-sharing law and other threats to SMES
Sweden - between political reality, news coverage and international glorification.

Erosion of Greek Civil Society and Potentials of Resistance.

Death from J&J vaccination: Now also officially confirmed.

Lawyer Viviane Fischer

Lawyer Viviane Fischer

The meeting opens with discussion about the large number of deaths and injuries that have occurred after injections. Information about these injuries and deaths is being suppressed.

The first speaker is a gynecologist named Rebekkah Leist. She says her mRNA injected pregnant clients are losing their unborn babies. Ms. Leist made efforts to study this pattern and mostly she met with no interest in studying these losses. She really wants these studies to happen.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg says that the spread of spike proteins from injections is leading to organ failure. The female reproductive system is particularly vulnerable to these spike proteins.

Ms. Leist explains how fraud is being perpetuated to hide what’s happening to these pregnant women.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich describes how many doctors and scientists have told him that spike proteins from injections tend to collect particularly in the ovaries. He says that it is absurd that after all these reports of harm, these injections are still being pushed. He says “Covid” is rising internationally clearly from the injections. The courts aren’t helping and he wonders if these people will choose to help when their children start dying?

It is conclusive these injections are dangerous and they need to be stopped says Dr. Fuellmich. Politicians need to be held responsible for the harm they are inflicting on the public with injection mandates.

To watch the video, click here.

A concerned parent Nils Wehner joins the conference wanting to address parents. When he heard that children were ordered to be injected, he was devastated at the harm that would come to children.
Children were plied with propaganda showing a cartoon superhero battling Covid. Then children were told that they could decide if they wanted the injection without their parents’ consent. He says this is illegal.

Mr. Wehner offers that the officials responsible for harming children need to be called. Mr. Wehner made phone calls to bring this propaganda to the attention of officials.

What PR company was paid to do this?

What PR company was paid to do this?

Dr. Fuellmich says that the people responsible for this harm are evil or idiotic.

Mr. Wehner says as he’s been calling officials to tell them about what they are doing, they say they were instructed from the top to do this harm. They just assume it’s all okay because it’s coming from the top. Mr. Wehner has been telling officials in a friendly manner that they are responsible for this harm.

These brochures are illegal and they were distributed to a massive number of schools. Mr. Wehner says he is part of a group making these phone calls. He found out that people he spoke to had no idea whatsoever what’s going on with these brochures and about the harm that comes from these injections. These officials assume if these brochures are coming from the top, they are legal.

Dr. Fuellmich says we must find out who is distributing this illegal propaganda. This is a lockstep approach which clearly had something to do with the “Great Reset”.

Dr. Wodarg says these civil servants need to resist against mandates to perform illegal acts. He asks how can we protect these people who are willing to do what is right? They need to refuse en masse.

Mr. Wehner said that the social ministry and state parents council were contacted by so many people that these officials issued a communication that these school vaccination campaigns would cease in Saxony.

Dr. Wodarg says again that these injections harm and basically do not help and that parents are being lied to about the benefit of these injections. This is child abuse and it can not happen. Children are at no risk from this virus. There are other safe treatments available. There is no reason to expose these children to harm.

Dr. Wodarg explains how nurses are being coerced and blackmailed into taking injections. We have a duty to protect ourselves.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Dr. Fuellmich says if we are being pressured, there is no consent possible. These contracts are null and void. Dr. Fuellmich says it’s always the same pattern, “they push and push and see how much they can get away with.” He says that we are the calvary and that we cannot count on help from above.

Lawyer Viviane Fischer stated that there is positive momentum and that people are showing more courage and that they are pushing forward.

Professor Holger Rekow joins to speak up on behalf of small and medium sized companies (SMEs). He is also a father and he wants Germany to have a future. Profesor Rekow says the medium sized companies are the innovators and many times their inventions are preyed upon by corporations. Corporations like to buy small and medium sized companies and they absorb the patents and then often employees are let go. The small and medium sized company are heavily regulated and taxed and the big corporations are not.
Prof. Rekow explains how boundaries need to be put on lobbying. Bureaucratic structures are created to benefit those paying these lobbyists.

Many massive corporations not only do not pay taxes but they get tax refunds. Prof. Rekow says the free market is gone and we are dealing with cartel economics.

Dr. Fuellmich says that entrepreneurs need to be represented in government. Can people be elected who can turn the tide? Dr. Fuellmich says that this all sounds like a targeted strategy to exploit SMEs by the Davos clique.

Dr. Wodarg says that people need to vote for the right candidates.


Swedish politician Gudrun Leden says that great pressure is exerted by media to go along with the Corona agenda.

Ms. Leden says it’s lonely to know the truth about the psychological warfare campaign. She says that Swedes are under enormous pressure to tow the line. She says the media has the public so scared that people run to take the shots.

Dr. Fuellmich adds the Swine Flu had been pushed by the same crowd and the Swine Flu turned out to be a mild flu. Christian Drosten and Neil Ferguson were “health authorities” who pushed the same agendas in both the case of the Swine Flu and the present political/media campaign. Now a huge number are permanently disabled by the injections taken based on the pretext of the Swine Flu.

We need more resistance in Sweden. To watch the video, click here.

We need more resistance in Sweden.
To watch the video, click here.

Ms. Leden says the politicians who are going along with the agenda are either afraid or willing to do anything for money.

Dr. Fuellmich says bribery is playing a massive role in keeping this mass damage program going. Ms. Fischer says that politicians seem to be keeping it going because they know they will be socially destroyed when it comes out what they have done to us.

Politician Gunnar Söderberg of chimes in and says everything in Sweden is upside down. Good is bad and bad is good. The Swedish people are trusting the media and they are being grossly deceived.

“The cheapest way to corruption is to buy the king”, says Dr. Wodarg.

86 percent of the people with “covid” in Israel are “fully vaccinated”, Dr. Fuellmich says.
The two Swedes both say their compatriots are being told by media to expect to be damaged after taking injections. If someone drops dead after injections, people are told this is normal and to be expected.

Dr. Wodarg says young athletic men with strong muscles are at risk for myocarditis because of how dense muscle interacts with this serum.

Mr, Södeberg says divisions are being whipped up and now children are being pressured to be injected in Sweden. They say the pressure in Sweden to cave in to the narrative is at an all time high. Mr. Södeberg says people just believe the BS, no matter how ridiculous. Now he’s hearing about 5 or 10 doses coming up. 4.4 billion doses are ready to go, 10 doses for all Europeans says Ms. Fischer.

Ms. Leden says the politicians have no empathy and do anything for money and their careers. Mr. Fuellmich says these politicians will definitely pay for what they are doing. “This is good vs. evil.”

To watch the link, click here.

To watch the link, click here.

The topic turns to Greece, the birthplace of democracy. Pan Pawlakudis says children are being injected or else they are excluded from the system. Greece is in a trap. Mr. Pawlakudis says there’s a chance to bring down these structures. Those with their backs against a wall makes mistakes. They will use even more means to fight back.

Dr. Georgios Kasimatis is a man who is old enough to remember a former totalitarian regime in Greece. Dr. Kasimatis says people used to rise up against infringements of the constitution. Back then, demonstrations used to have an impact. He says he thinks the authorities don’t care about demonstrations at all. It’s just tolerated as a means to vent frustrations.

Dr. Fuellmich asks if the junta era was worse or this one? Dr. Kasimatis says this one is much worse. The enemy is going after everyone, the old and the young. Dr. Kasimatis says the parties need to create a united front to represent the interests of the people. “We are suffering from economic violence coming from the EU and US which is leading to a lack of freedom and the Greeks are well aware of this.”

Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Vathiotis joins the conversation and says during the measures he was turned into a digital shepherd and he was informed on by a student. The virus has become a figure of idolatry and now Prof. Vathiotis has resigned.

People have been ordered to wear 2 masks in church. A text message has been required to leave the house. Shock fiscal policy over the last 10 years has beaten the public down. People cannot afford the fines for disobeying the measures. The elderly watch tv day and night which poisons them. The government controls almost all broadcasters. That’s how a totalitarian regime has been installed in Greece. The measures are constantly drilled into the public. Now what is called unscientific is actually what is scientific.

Dr. Vathiotis says the virus is just the “terrorists” in another guise. Now anything is “good” in order to fight this conjured up enemy. If people die after injection, they are viewed as heroic because they died for a cause. It’s another 911 operation.

Doctors who won’t take the injection are barred from helping people who need them. Some doctors help people on park benches. Will Greece stand up?

It is darkest before the dawn. Like an abused woman, the public suffers from learned helplessness. A critical moment comes when a straw breaks the camel’s back. The abuse is beyond what can be tolerated and the resistance must stay strong. Now politicians are being called scum publicly.

An IT worker at a hospital joins the conversation and says he has decided to quit to avoid the pressure and injections. Another hospital technician comes on to discuss how 30 percent of staff are now suspended for not taking injections. The hospital system is collapsing.

Dr. Fuellmich asks if it’s the plan to make people sick and then for there to be no medical care available so people will then die?

Dr. Wodarg asks if this is a targeted demolition of public health care?

Dr. Fuellmich says this is clearly a lockstep approach at breaking down health care structures. Is this planned breakdown for the benefit of a new health care system taken over by private groups?

Laws are changing, according to epidemiologist Dr. Sosterifades who joins the conversation, towards the benefit of those profiting from this “pandemic”. This epidemiologist says that the “pandemic” was merely a seasonal flu, perhaps it was a bit more dangerous for the elderly. There is no danger for children.

This doctor says the mRNA technology being forced on the public is not new to animals and it has proven fatal to them. The mRNA injections are known to trigger an over reaction that can prove extremely damaging to the person subjected to it. All the organs can be affected. The spike proteins can affect anywhere the blood takes it.

Dr. Fuellmich says this has been corroborated by many other doctors.

This doctor says that fatalities after injections are just called “Corona cases” and they are hidden from view.

Dr. Sosterifades says doctors need to stand up for their patients and they don’t because they are paid by the government. The public has to do it, most doctors will defend the government no matter how much death occurs.

Ms. Fischer shares that their YouTube stream went down in German at the point where Dr. Ioannides was quoted as saying, “they want to destroy me”.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

A Greek Orthodox Priest Stilianos Karpathiou joins the conversation. This priest says most clergy are in line with the government or they keep silent. He is one of the few who openly oppose the totalitarian measures. The priests who don’t go along with the narrative are suspended. 85 percent of clergy aren’t injected and the 15 percent who took it were under severe pressure to do so. Fr. Karpathiou says he’s seeing that the injections makes people sicker, whatever afflicts them. He says he’s been observing kuru symptoms in those who have been injected.

Fr. Karpathiou describes how a woman died right after injection and there was pressure to pretend it had nothing to do with the injection but it happened right afterwards. He also says DNA traces of aborted fetuses were found in vials. The WHO has admitted there are extra substances being included in these vials.
This priest says people are coming to him to cope with the pressure. Atheists are even seeking him out for succor. He closes by saying, “the truth will set you free.”

He says we should believe in God, not “science”.

Pamela and Jeff Goodman begin to describe their situation in New York. Dr. Fuellmich says he believes that people are starting to understand that this whole agenda is not really about health. He says deaths after injections cannot be swept under the rug anymore.

The Goodmans lost their son Benjamin to this injection agenda. Their son died 12 hours after getting the injection. Ms. Goodman said the doctors tried to obscure the real cause of death. They were given the run around and they were subjected to gaslighting. Ms. Goodman says the cover up about their son’s death finally opened some people’s eyes.
Dr. Fuellmich says the lawsuits are also about exposing what’s really going on because the mainstream media won’t do it.

Ms. Fischer mentions that there are many causal links between mRNA injections and injury and death. She thinks the picture is getting clearer every day about the insane level of damage.

Note: my own mother died this week after injection. No one but me seems to see this death was more than likely a death caused by the injection.

To watch this video, click here.

To watch this video, click here.

One Johnson and Johnson shot ended Ms. Goodman son’s life. She says she has been frequently told that it couldn’t be the injection that killed her son.
Ms. Fischer says it’s probably because injected people don’t want to face the truth. The injection is showing a pattern of exacerbating whatever ails the person who takes it.

Ms. Goodman says media won’t cover her story. Anyone who discusses their story is censored and cut off, she says. The Goodmans are in disbelief that the establishment keeps up this charade.
The Goodmans were warning people last March while everyone was running to get injections and people didn’t want to hear it.

On a positive note, the Indian courts are banning forced injections says Dr. Fuellmich.

Ms. Fischer implores Germans to vote for DieBasis.