Is Facebook really a mind control Trojan horse to advance the agenda of a transhumanism cult?
Are the platforms really being run by a transhumanism cult that has hijacked authority through seizing control of our banking system in 1913? I’m always looking for smoking gun proof and I think this video will demonstrate that we have it in this instance.
To watch the video, click here.
Is Facebook really making the world more open or is it making the world more totalitarian? They are making it more open and connected for whom? Certainly not for those of us who stubbornly cling to our souls and humanity. This group is presently pushing for the house arrest and possibly worse to be forced on people like me and they are pressuring us to take known dangerous injections. In other words, what they are doing is the opposite of the language in this garment. The truth is the OPPOSITE of what they are saying.
It’s always opposite of what they say because they know people are easy prey.
Van Morrison
If a wealthy group is determined to eliminate us or turned us into laboratory hacked slaves, we need to wake up to that now.
It sounds absurd but the other side is proud to be trying to turn themselves - and us! - into robots.