Ultimately, we are in a battle to save our souls.

While the situation appears to be dire, what we are finally seeing is what has been right there under the surface our entire lives. We have all had the misfortune of watching a “club” work against our own countries from within our entire lives if we’ve been at all perceptive.
The silver lining is that the truly diabolical nature of this agenda is hopefully too obvious finally for many to continue to ignore.
I’m hoping that this will lead to an alignment with the Divine that will finally scare us straight into a new horizon. This realm is not our final destination and we can have peace and feel that purity - we can still be quite happy - day by day fulfilling our missions - no matter what “they” continue to try and throw at us.

What they do exposes them, not us. Do happy people abuse and deceive and exploit? Of course not. Happiness comes from congruence and Divine purity. I am happy because everything in my life is pushing me forward in one direction. I know where I’m going. Whether I continue to be physically present in this realm is just a detail.
The idea that they are overtly pushing and demanding someone like me out of their “society” is laughable to me. What they’ve created for themselves is toxic beyond belief and they are not anything I can endure anyway. I would be thrilled to tune them out even more than I already do if I were not called to report on what’s happening.

When I realized this group was out to rob and murder the global population, I thought - then I have to fight and let’s make this interesting!

When I realized this group was out to rob and murder the global population, I thought - then I have to fight and let’s make this interesting!

The pressure to force all of us into compliance with a global cult of evil should “Hegelian dialectic” us into greater purity. Oscillations are expected and it’s up to us to guide that maneuver.

A wise true scientist, Kary Mullis, who was more than likely murdered in order to usher in the present escalated phase of tyranny describes the Hegelian dialectic in this video shown below. Kary Mullis also said that his PCR diagnostic tool can not tell us anything about infections.

We can still be happy because we know we are doing what’s right.

We can still be happy because we know we are doing what’s right.

This is what it feels like to be in their club. Their wealth and power is an illusion anyway and people need to stop buying into their trip. They are the “elite” because WE ARE ALLOWING IT. Blow them off. See them for exactly what they are. They are laughable.

This is what it feels like to be in their club. Their wealth and power is an illusion anyway and people need to stop buying into their trip. They are the “elite” because WE ARE ALLOWING IT. Blow them off. See them for exactly what they are. They are laughable.

We need to stop obeying them en masse. If they are operating outside fundamental law, they are criminals.

We need to stop obeying them en masse. If they are operating outside fundamental law, they are criminals.