Why do some of us brave the wrath of the establishment to tell the truth? Why are so many genuine whistle blowers creative people and/or people of faith? What do we get out of it that makes it worth it to sacrifice so much?
Gilad Atzmon explains his rationale for why he tells the truth in this video. My reasons for telling the truth aren’t all that different than his. I want to make great art and I want to be aligned with God and I just cannot do that while upholding the big lie.
Mr. Atzmon is someone who says a lot of shocking things and from his writings, he says he was even this way as a child. I really identify with that circumstance as I was always a bit like that as well. Sometimes what I’ve heard from this thinker will hit me even months later and then I’ll understand it. I cannot know someone’s other than myself and I cannot fathom another’s heart and motivations but I’ve come to believe that this musician is a genuine voice. I hope I’m right.
From what I’m hearing, Mr. Atzmon is genuine opponent of racism and he is standing up for culture and freedom. Respect.
Those of us sidelined for our honesty -
We are the ones who are free.
When eugenicists have seized the center, the reasonable and just are pushed to the margins.
The truth is shocking because it is heard so infrequently.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.