Information about the collaboration involved in our present global situation.

The following is shared from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s telegram account:

German's Political Situation including the famous 'Panic Paper'

the 41st Sitting of the German Corona Committee, Vera Lengsfeld, German politician and former civil rights activist discusses with Reiner Fuellmich the precarious state of politics during the Corona crisis.

The topic of the famous 'Panic Paper' (Maßnahmenkatalog 4) is briefly discussed. This paper, was ordered by Horst Seehofer (CSU) to be produced and Secretary of State Markus Kerber did the work, engaging scientists to produce a paper that portrayed the danger from the Coronavirus in the most dramatic possible light in order to gain compliance of the public with the measures. The paper was subsequently leaked by a whistleblower and reported in some detail by the national paper 'Welt am Sonntag' edition of Feb 7th 2021.

A link to the english translation of the Welt article is here:

The link is here.