In the interest of sharing specific legal information to as many as possible I’m offering a summarized transcription of Lawyer Tony Nikolic describing the people’s resistance in Australia.
The video link is here.
The link is here.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We’re were worried about you in Australia and we thought you couldn’t maybe get it together but now things are turning around?
Tony Nikolic: Indeed they are. Thanks to you and I’ve been on conferences with the Balkans and the USA, New Zealand. As you know Reiner, we’ve been in discussions for some time. Thanks for having me on. It’s wonderful to be here.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: So what’s the story in Australia? I see people demonstrating and gathering at huge rallies. A very interesting development but there’s also court cases that are making headlines right now.
Tony Nikolic: Yes, there are. It’s a battle of narratives in the media, isn’t it? The media will call the rallies “anti-lockdown”. But there’s a growing consensus that will call it a “freedom celebration”. I guess that’s a battle of semantics. Isn’t it? There were quite a few people. The media put it down to around 3,500 in attendance at the Sydney rally. I would say I saw around 35, to 40,000. That is a significantly larger number than what the media was reporting. We had demonstrations in Brisbane, in Victoria, in Melbourne. Victoria had great numbers. I think the issue is here that people are really starting to wake up and question. Which is what they are entitled to do. They are questioning the safety and the efficacy of the vaccines. They are questioning the research around covid. More importantly, what they are really standing for is human rights and informed consent. Right? That’s what this is about.
United we stand.
Divided we fall.
Here’s data from the last 24 hours. In 2021, approximately 5261 deaths and a survivability rate of about 99.72 percent. That’s assuming that the actual virus has been isolated, right? (Everyone laughs a little). We’ve got the PCR testing issues that are going on. They are being used at extremely high cycle thresholds. It varies from state to state. They are being analyzed at between 35 and 45 cycles (the inventor of the PCR Test said it will show anything at such high amplification cycles). The Therapeutic Goods Association are releasing data on a weekly basis. I think this week it was 399 suspected deaths but only 6 causality links. I always say there’s a lot of suspected deaths after someone receives a vaccine. Right? There are a lot of coincidences. I’m just showing what their language tends to suggest. I will say that people are waking up. I don’t know if you’ve received my letter from the 7th of July, 2021. I’ve received a lot of responses. I haven’t received responses from the major parties, the liberal and labor party. I lot of the independents have come through. They have indicated some support. I’m getting a lot of support from lawyers, doctors, specialist, professors. We have almost every trade. We have pilots, police. We have paramedics, anyway, you name it. They’re all very supportive. We have counsellors. Just yesterday, a mother’s group was formed. And that’s the one I fear the most. When the mothers get involved that when I say, “Watch out. Here it comes.”
Something alarming is that they want to vaccinate students mantatorily now. There’s a lot of mandatory language going out right now. What’s very interesting is how the media spins it. I wrote a thesis many years ago about media and political manipulation and we’re tending to see the effects of that occurring. Just as in how numbers at rallies are misrepresented when there is in fact much more. We’re seeing our Prime Minister when he faces the media he’ll actually say, “It’s your choice whether you want to take the vaccine. It’s all about informed choice.” Then documents will come out demanding mandatory vaccines the next day. Or we want vaccines for those who care for the elderly and hospitals and students. We’re seeing this slow decline towards mandatory vaccines whereas if you read my letter, it’s all about informed choice. It’s all about the ability for you to make a choice. That is a human right. I urge everyone to ask questions. Every one has the right to ask questions. I was early in discussing the matter of “shedding”. If you mandatorily impose upon people and then say I want that for the care of the elderly. And I want that for the vulnerable, which is what you’ll find in the hospitals. We can safely assume that shedding is occurring. We also understand what the pharmaceutical companies are saying that the vaccines don’t stop a person from contracting - whatever it is. Then we’re probably introducing pathogens into the vulnerable sectors. We are actually implementing a policy of introducing it into the very sectors and that is what concerns me. We’re seeing death rates go up. Vulnerable people dying. A lot of vulnerable people getting sick. Is it because of the shedding? There seems to be a correlation. With the rollout, it seems to be proportional. As the vaccinations are going up, more people are going to the hospital. Or more people are dying. We’re really need to ask questions about this.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: You’re saying there were 399 deaths and 6 that showed causality.
Tony Nikolic: Yes, the numbers are grossly understated. We can’t estimate what is unknown. If someone doesn’t report it then we won’t know.
The FDA says there are 22 adverse effects associated with the Pfizer vaccine. That media won’t tell you about that. They’re not giving that to the people. How can we have informed consent? How can you give someone informed consent if you don’t know what the risks are?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s the point.
Tony Nikolic: I’ll read the data to you: “The TGA has received 399 reports of death in people who have been recently vaccinated and found that 6 which linked to immunization.” I just read that to you live. Bearing in mind that the reporting rate among 1,000 doses is 4.1. The reporting rate is very low, isn’t it?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: A letter is coming soon that will circulate around the world is from Doctors for Covid Ethics. On 4 pages, they explicitly spell out and this will all be referenced so you’ll have all the footnotes etcetera. They explicitly spell out how these so called vaccinations are not vaccinations at all. How they are not necessary because there is no pandemic. If there were, then there would be alternative ways of treatment that are really effective and not dangerous. Most importantly how these so called vaccinations are not effective at all. They provide no immunity whatsoever. But they are extremely dangerous as you just spelled out.
Tony Nikolic: We have doctors here too working very tirelessly. We have the Covid Medical Network or the Australian Medical Network. They are a group of doctors from anesthesiologists to general practitioners, cardiologists, you name it, we have scientists. We have a range of people in the medical sphere who have been expressing their concerns. They also want people to be aware of the medical solutions that are available. I think it was March 2020, the Governor General declared a potential pandemic pursuant to what we call the Bio-Security Act of 2015. I don’t know if we can get our hands on the contracts between pharmaceutical companies and their respective governments. As we know in contract law, there are usually a lot of condition precedences in there, right? Conditions as to sale, purchase and procurement. As to whether the contract actually specifies that there should be certain conditions within that marketplace preventing a medication from going to the market and we know in Queensland that hydroxychloroquin was actually made illegal.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We heard the same story from India. That was particularly stupid because in India hydroxychloroquin has been around for decades. Apart from that, the population has their own natural medicine of course which has been accepted by the population as safe and effective. So that backfired, at least in India. Even at their Supreme Court, it backfired.
Tony Nikolic: You also have the issues with Ivermectin. Ivermectin actually won a Nobel Peace Prize for its properties. It was deemed safe for decades. Then all of a sudden covid comes and then questions about it’s safety and efficacy arise.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: By the way Tony, we do have contracts. We have sales contracts between several . . . sovereign countries and biotechs. If you want those, I’m going to forward them to you.
Money power is just an illusion.
Tony Nikolic: Please do. Please do.
We ask questions and we don’t seem to get any answers. I’m questioning the legitimacy of Australia’s approach to coerce mass vaccinations. Lockdowns. PCR Testing. Official mortality data. Censorship through the media. We have a lot of censorship. It’s sad to see in a liberal democracy that that’s going on. I’ve actually represented doctors who were being gagged by regulators. They were being told you can’t talk about the alternatives. They were told if you’re going to talk to your patients, you need to tell them all about the benefits of “vaccinations” and very little about the risks. For some reason, then they say that they want it to be accurate. My representation circulated around the idea of, “How can you be accurate if I can’t tell you what the risks are?” There are efforts to deregister doctors. We’ve got doctors being threatened with deregistration almost on a daily basis.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Once again, this is the lock step approach. We’re seeing this all over the world. We’re hearing these same stories from every one all over the world. Which really spells out that in capital letters that this is a planned agenda because this doesn’t happen by coincidence.