Shocking Martial Law Abuses in Australia.

The Corona Committee hosted a livestream and I’m making their content in English available here via Bitchute.

In this conversation Australian Prof. Rocco Loiacono discusses the shocking loss of even the pretense of democracy in Australia. Prof. Loiacono describes how a pregnant woman had her house invaded and she was arrested for posting something against the Corona dictatorship situation on Facebook.

These rampant intimidation tactics say it all. Are the oligarchs done pretending it’s all “for our health”?

Economist Gigi Foster discusses the vast economic damage inflicted against humanity.

After that, Lawyer Tony Nikovic says he has a client who was protesting the draconian measures and now he is in solitary confinement. Authorities won’t allow him to talk to his lawyer or his mother and he is being falsely accused in the media of punching a horse. Mr. Nikolic said his client is also being ordered to take the PCR Test (which cannot tell anything about infections) which is a huge violation of his rights.

It is difficult for us to endure even the knowledge of such horror and abuse. I pray day and night that God will save us and that He will show us what to do to help us save ourselves from this global crime regime.

I don’t give in despite all of the intimidation tactics because this regime is not acceptable to me.

The link is here.

The link is here.

The link is here.