1 Stream is back up but for how long?

Update: I couldn’t keep it up for more than 2 hours.
My internet access is supposed to be the strongest possible yet I believe I have the most difficult to keep up livestream. For now, I’ll try to just run this one to which I made some really cool changes. I hope you enjoy it. How long will it stay up this time?

My feeling is that this is free public art which is supposed to cheer people up during these dark days where a group has declared with their actions: “we are ordering everyone to believe there’s a deadly virus pandemic without evidence and now we’re going to totally disregard the law every where we have installed our compromised puppets and we’ll just murder the ones that don’t go along with it.”
Since this is reality as I perceive it, I’m hopeful that my stream will help make people feel a little better under the circumstances. Anyone who attacks my cheerful public art and puts dishonest numbers around it is probably a part of the group I just mentioned.

That kind of government makes me feel as if I have already landed in the literal hell of so much lore. From my perspective there is no where to go but up.

I have said this before and I will say it again, giving us nothing left to lose and constantly threatening to murder us and murdering so many of us, including children, so frequently and taking everything for themselves from us - the producers - may not have been the smartest approach strategically. We’ll see.

They say it’s all about survival of the fittest.
What I see over there is a crime empire, some really big Ponzi schemes and scams and a lot of individuals hiding behind terrified puppets. I also see a lot of publicists trying to trick the public into murdering each other. We’ll see.