Sometimes a random post is so accurate I have to post it here.

Now that I can clearly see that the same handlers who brought us the “Q” movement are now pushing the “antivax” movement, we’re going to be very careful as the truth is being blended with agents who say all the right things in the first rounds only to drive their wedges in later. We’re up against masters of illusion and many of them are fantastic actors. Discerning between fake and real is the challenge right now.
One tell with fakers is they tend do overdo everything.

A little of my history:
Once I had to my name a massive college loan, I realized that I had been tricked into indentured servitude over my desire to learn. I tried to find a way to pay off that loan through very unconventional means including trading in the stock market. I didn’t do well at trading until I finally understood that the stock market is totally rigged, then I could at least follow the patterns to make money.
My methods are not reliable enough to really share them or to count on them but I did get rid of that college loan.
The whole system is based on tricks and scams and I learned this from that college loan and from figuring out how to get rid of it. I paid dearly for that education and I share the fruits of it with my readers.

Any thing that makes no sense right now, makes sense once you follow the money.
I believe that the antidote to falling prey to scams is to take on the challenge of the hero’s journey in alignment with the Most High.
How? Pray. Ask for signs. If the call to adventure beckons, go for it.

For my hero’s journey to happen, I had to be met at least half way. When the villains appeared, it was a sign it was working. Villains have co-written this story, They have been very interesting. Destructive and psycho but interesting.
This project has been, in part, about proving that the hero’s journey is a viable option when one is faced with a dark spirited authority structure.
I am distressed about what is being done to my fellow humans but I am much healthier and better off in every way since I started this mission in 2014. That I can prove.

Having had the bad guys after me for years, I can say they are a multi-racial group and that Chabad Lubavitch should be looked into very carefully before anyone decides to sign onto that religion. It’s not what it seems at first.

I certainly am aware of who is after me - it’s spy agencies and the string pullers who run this world as a massive crime empire.
My message to them is: I DO NOT CONSENT.

Dvorah July 29, 2021 at 11:41 am

I've heard this canard so many times it's boring. There are Zionist Jews who are involved and Zionist Jews who are victims. The former are not truly loyal to their people or their Land, but use it as a cover. The wickedness attempting to take over everyone's lives and micromanage us is pan-ethnic. The elite uber-billionaires involved in this agenda to impose a world-wide technocratic dictatorship have been at it for at least 100 years. They span every nation, every ethnicity, every religious tradition, and sport zero loyalty to any of their external identities. They are loyal to nothing or no one but themselves and their own, weird, sociopathic inner circle. More than likely they harbor ambitions of deadly competition against one another as well – and would slit one another's throats in a heartbeat if it advanced their "cause."