I’m posting this book “Inventing The AIDS Virus” to show that the present supposed health emergency shares enormous parallels with the supposed AIDS health emergency.
Hopefully through understanding these parallels, those who cannot believe that a lie this big can exist will be able to comprehend that a lie this big can indeed exist. Our world thus far has been conquered via organized deception and brutality and it is my hope that we can push that conquest back through telling the truth.
What happened to AIDS? For all they hyped it, where did it go? I’m someone who is trying to show the public the nature of psychological operations. They are planned and they are implemented by teams of the ruthless and their dupes - some narcissistic, some misguided but well intentioned.
It’s up to US to reach the ones who have good intentions but have been tricked. Narcissists will do whatever suits them first and I think they’ll flock to whatever side they think is winning. The utterly ruthless can only be prayed for and we can hope that they can be spiritually cleansed somehow. Miracles are possible.
If indeed our present rulership has something to do with the angels who rebelled against God long ago - as many suppose - we can only ask these fallen angel spirits inhabiting human forms if they are happy. Has their rebellion gone the way they had hoped it would? How has mass murder, destruction, deception and hiding served them as a way of existing? Is service to God really so much worse than the alternatives they have invented for themselves?
This is clearly a spiritual war. Our side will not will through violence. Violence is the tool and the downfall of the other side.
Our side will win through uniting and maintaining our boundaries against the abusive. We have the right to organize ourselves. We have the right to maintain non predatory money systems. We have the right to a fair commerce system. We have the right to tell the truth and to share and preserve our history and our traditions. Anyone who cannot agree to respect our rights is an abuser who should not be acknowledged anymore. Let abusers interact with each other. It’s time for those of us who actually care about each other to move on.
It is up to each and everyone of us to search within ourselves to find out what we are going to do about these truly diabolical psychological operations campaigns that are deployed against us. Guidance is available.
Losing the War on AIDS
BY ANY MEASURE, the war on AIDS has been a colossal failure. In the twelve years since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) was announced to be the cause of AlDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), our leading scientists and policymakers cannot demonstrate that their efforts have saved a single life.
This dismal picture applies as much to the United States as to Europe and Africa. This war has been fought in the name of the virus-AIDS hypothesis, which holds that HIV, the AIDS virus, is a new cause of thirty old diseases, including Kaposi's sarcoma, tuberculosis, dementia, pneumonia, weight loss, diarrhea, leukemia, and twenty-three others (see chapter 6).
If any of these previously known diseases now occurs in a patient who has antibodies against HIV (but rarely ever any HIV), then his or her disease is diagnosed as AIDS and is blamed on HIV.
If the same disease occurs in a patient without HIV-antibodies, his or her disease is diagnosed by its old name and blamed on conventional chemical or microbial causes. The following examples illustrate this point:
I. Kaposi's sarcoma + HIV-antibody = AIDS
Kaposi's sarcoma - HIV-antibody Kaposi's sarcoma
2. Tuberculosis + HIV-antibody = AlDS
Tuberculosis - HIV-antibody = Tuberculosis
3. Dementia + HIV-antibody = AlDS
Dementia – HIV-antibody = Dementia
No scientist or doctor has stepped forward to claim credit for discovering a vaccine to prevent AIDS nor is any vaccine expected for several more years, at a minimum.
In contrast, the post-World War II polio epidemic was declared ended in little more than a decade once the vaccines of Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin became widely available. Nor have any useful drugs to treat AIDS been produced. AlDS patients can only choose Zidovudine (AZT) or, in certain cases, dideoxyinosine (ddl) or dideoxycytidine (ddC).
All these drugs were originally developed for chemotherapy to kill human cancer cells, and they bring with them all the usual effects: hair loss, muscle degeneration, anemia, nausea, and vomiting-a severe price for questionable benefits.
Indeed, these drugs appear to cause AlDS-like symptoms on their own. Physicians can do little more than comfort the dying patient, monitor his condition, and hope for the best.
Public health officials still cannot show that their efforts have curbed the epidemic or that they have stopped anyone from contracting AIDS.
Despite various preventive educational programs in schools and in the community at large, as well as various official and unofficial efforts to distribute condoms or sterile hypodermic needles in Europe and the United States, no actual decrease in the number of new AlDS cases can be seen anywhere.
On the contrary, each year brings a greater number of new AIDS patients. Perhaps more astoundingly, even the screening of the nation's blood supply has not led to any noticeable reduction in AlDS- defining diseases (including pneumonia, candidiasis, and lymphoma) nor in death rates among blood transfusion recipients, including hemophiliacs.
Worse yet, the experts have found their estimates and projections of the epidemic to be embarrassingly inaccurate. The so-called latency period-the time between when a person is infected with HIV and develops clinical AIDS-was originally calculated in 1984 to be ten months.
Almost every year since, this incubation period has been revised upward. Now it is placed at ten years or longer. Even at the clinical level, doctors find the prognosis of any single infected patient frustratingly unpredictable.
They cannot anticipate when a healthy HIV-infected person will become sick and which disease will affect him-a yeast infection, a pneumonia, a cancer of the blood, dementia-or perhaps no sickness at all.
Estimating the spread of the virus has meanwhile led to another problem: Officials have continually predicted the explosion of AIDS into the general population through sexual transmission of HIV, striking males and females equally, as well as homosexuals and heterosexuals, to be followed by a corresponding increase in the rate of death.
However, despite the extensive use of the test for HIV antibodies-commonly known as the AlDS test-which first led officials to announce that 1 million Americans were already infected with the virus as of 1985, the number of HIV-positive Americans now is the same as that in 1985-1 million.
In short, the alleged viral disease does not seem to be spreading from the 1 million HIV-positive Americans to the remaining 250 million. AIDS itself has not yet affected larger numbers of women nor has it entered the heterosexual population outside of drug addicts: Nine of every ten AlDS patients is still male, and more than 95 percent still fall into the same risk categories-homosexuals, heroin addicts, or, in a few cases, hemophiliacs.
In Africa, the six million to eight million people who were said to be infected for more than a decade have translated into a mere 250,000 AIDS victims, some 3 percent to 4 percent of the HIV-positive people.
The Caribbean nation of Haiti, where 6 percent of the population was known to be infected with HIV by 1985, has meanwhile remained relatively untouched by the AlDS epidemic.
Something is very wrong with this picture. How could the largest and most sophisticated scientific establishment in history have failed so miserably in saving lives and even in forecasting the epidemic's toll?
Certainly not for lack of resources. With an annual federal AlDS budget now more than $7 billion, AIDS has become the best-funded epidemic of all time.
Not only are tens of thousands of scientists employed in a permanent, round-the-clock race to unravel the syndrome's mysteries, but the researchers have access to the most sensitive medical technology in history.
With these techniques, researchers now have achieved the ability to detect and manipulate individual molecules, an ability unimaginable to the scientists who fought smallpox, tuberculosis, and polio just years earlier.
Nor have AlDS researchers suffered any lack of scientific data. With more than one hundred thousand papers having already been published on this one syndrome, literature on AIDS has been surpassed only by the combined literature on all cancers generated throughout this century.
The ultimate test of any medical hypothesis lies in the public health benefits it generates; but the virus-AIDS hypothesis has produced none.
Faced with this medical debacle, scientists should re-open a simple but most essential question: What causes AIDS? The answers to the epidemic do not lie in increased funding or efforts to make science more productive.
The answers will instead be found by reinterpreting existing information.
Science's most important task, much more than unearthing new data, is to make sense of the data already in hand.
Without going back to check its underlying assumptions, the AIDS establishment will never make sense of its mountains of raw data. The colossal failure of the war on AlDS is a predictable consequence if scientists are operating from a fundamentally flawed assumption upon which they have built a huge artifice of mistaken ideas.
The single flaw that determined the destiny of AIDS research since 1984 was the assumption that AlDS is infectious.
After taking this wrong turn scientists had to make many more bad assumptions upon which they have built a huge artifice of mistaken ideas. The only solution is to rethink the basic assumption that AIDS is infectious and is caused by HIV.
But the federal and industrial downpour of funding has created an army of HIV-AIDS experts that includes scientists, journalists, and activists who cannot afford to question the direction of their crusade.
Thousands compete for producing ever more of the same science than the competition. In that climate, rethinking the basics could be fatal to the livelihood and prosperity of thousands.
Before becoming an HIV-AIDS advocate, John Maddox, the editor of Nature, the world's oldest scientific journal, described a bigger slice of AlDS funding and AIDS publicity by the dilemma: Is there a danger, in molecular biology, that the accumulation of data will get so far ahead of its assimilation into a conceptual framework that the data will eventually prove an encumbrance?
Part of the trouble is that excitement of the chase leaves little room for reflection. And there are grants for producing data, but hardly any for standing back in contemplation.
It’s easy for some to not see the truth when keeping their job depends on them not seeing that truth.