Chancellor Reiner and company concluded a meeting in German today.

Die Drücker means The Pusher. What can this mean?

The German language meeting closed with the following message from the Los Angeles Fire Department Captain Christian Granucci. He has had it with the tyranny as HAVE WE ALL.

If YouTube decides to violate this man’s right to free speech and it takes down the video above, it can also be seen here.


The following passage is shared from here.

In the over 12-minute video, Captain Christian Granucci, a 31-year-veteran with the department, called Los Angeles' vaccine mandate for city employees "tyranny."

"We saw this tyranny coming," he said in the video.

Granucci also claimed in the video that if the union and administration don't step up, then he and others are prepared to take legal action.

"There is a large group of us, in the hundreds, that we have an attorney on retainer and he is a shark," he claimed.

"We’ll give you the opportunity to stand up and take the firey arrows from tyranny and step in front of this and fight for us. But if you don’t our plan B… a large group, and it is growing by the day…we have [the attorney] on retainer and we will seek legal counsel and we will take the fight to you, the city of Los Angeles."

Granucci believes this isn't about politics, but about something bigger.

"This is not about left or right," he said. "This is not red versus blue. This is not about Republican versus Democrat. This isn’t even about vaccinated versus unvaccinated. This is tyranny. This is about freedom of choice."


Just say no to tyranny!

Right before 911 in New York. That real 911 trial needs to happen. Are they ready to answer questions about 911? I’m sure discovery will be fascinating involving such uniquely secretive individuals.

Right before 911 in New York. That real 911 trial needs to happen. Are they ready to answer questions about 911? I’m sure discovery will be fascinating involving such uniquely secretive individuals.

The trial of Henry Kissinger NEEDS to happen. It took many decades and a lot of blackmail to make the system this inhuman.

The trial of Henry Kissinger NEEDS to happen. It took many decades and a lot of blackmail to make the system this inhuman.

Bring it on!

Bring it on!

If a small group of criminals want to stand up against all of us, we’ll see.

If a small group of criminals want to stand up against all of us, we’ll see.

We have abilities that they can only dream about. There is a power that far exceeds scams and mind games.

We have abilities that they can only dream about.

There is a power that far exceeds scams and mind games.

We’re not the ones who are bluffing here.

We’re not the ones who are bluffing here.

The answer is NO.

The answer is NO.

Criminals don’t get to keep what they stole. They get caught and they are held responsible.

Criminals don’t get to keep what they stole. They get caught and they are held responsible.

We need to protect and support the real leaders.

We need to protect and support the real leaders.

We need to turn it right side up again.

We need to turn it right side up again.

We have the public mandate and they have quite the opposite and they’ve never been understood by the public like they are now.

We have the public mandate and they have quite the opposite and they’ve never been understood by the public like they are now.

This is uncharted territory. THIS is the undiscovered country and we can make it how WE want it.

This is uncharted territory. THIS is the undiscovered country and we can make it how WE want it.

One good person with unified public support can push them back. Napoleon could not have been brought down but by a public that was tricked by media lies and he was brought down by bribed and blackmailed traitors who had infiltrated his movement.

One good person with unified public support can push them back. Napoleon could not have been brought down but by a public that was tricked by media lies and he was brought down by bribed and blackmailed traitors who had infiltrated his movement.

