Noble Prize Laureate Kary Mullis, Phd, inventor of the PCR Test, who just so happened to die August 2019, criticizes the type of behavior going on right now back in 1996 in the video above.
Mullis tells the interviewer Gary Null how science is being perceived as a religion. Mullis describes how “science” debunked Christianity and relegated it to myth and then replaced it with its own edicts. As a result people show too much faith in what they are told by the medical establishment.
Mullis criticizes the controls put on researchers and the mindless compliance of the public to authority.
PCR Test inventor Kary Mullis explains how AIDS was clearly part of the genocide agenda.
Mullis criticizes the centralization of the science establishment and its connection to totalitarian shifts. He expresses how the centralization of science leads to the stifling of genuine discoveries.
Was Kary Mullis another genius murdered for not going along with the genocide agenda?
The vilification of honest science investigation and the shutting down of debate is discussed. Genuine advancements require dissent, opposition and conversation.
Mullis views the AIDS situation as a manifestation of the Hegelian dialectic. The permissiveness and 60s and 70s was followed by the more repressive message of AIDS, that promiscuity would lead to pain and death.
Interviewer Gary Null addresses the manipulation of AIDS statistics.
Dr. Peter Duesberg has been persecuted for his findings about the AIDS situation.
Mullis says that when he would ask questions about AIDS he couldn’t get answers from the NIH. He couldn’t get proof HIV was the cause of AIDS. Mullis asked multiple medical professionals and personnel at the CDC for answers on the identity of the person who came up with the information that HIV is the cause of AIDS and he could never get an answer.
Mullis says that he could never get proof that HIV causes AIDS and he claims that people who thought they they were HIV positive but probably were not suffered harm or lost their lives taking AZT which was prescribed to them by doctors who had a financial interest to do so when the patient probably didn’t even need it. He wants to know how many deaths from AIDS were really deaths from AZT because AZT would certainly wreck someone’s immune system.
Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough...with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in doesn't tell you that you're sick." - Kary Mullis, PhD, creator of the PCR test.
Mullis discusses the AIDS panic as driven by testing and that a lot of money was made off of the entire situation. Even uterine cancer would be termed as AIDS at a certain point. Mullis suggests that framing the AIDS campaign as a “moral” issue was a strategy to get the public to go along with it. He says the way to get rid of AIDS would be to stop funding it.
Mullis says Fauci, who pushed the AIDS agenda, is not knowledgeable about real science and that most of the administrative people at the top are not either. He says that Fauci has been caught in lies and he is not a credible source of information. Bob Gallo is also accused in a similar manner. Mullis says that doctors were given financial incentives to diagnose patients with AIDS. He says that people should realize the importance of looking up what concoctions they are taking and that it is not that difficult to do the research.
Mullis says follow the money to find out the truth about what happens in the medical establishment. He says a lot of people are making money and that John Q. Public needs to stop being distracted by senseless media and that it’s imperative to notice what is going on.
Mullis predicts that one of these day these establishment individuals are going to have to face the music and that they seem like they know it.
There is no place for blind belief in science, only results and proof. Faith is for other fields. People don’t realize when Anthony Fauci gets up and talks, that’s marketing, opines Mullis
Mullis says that the entire establishment was lying or tricked about AIDS and that the lie was so big that he couldn’t even convince his mother that he was right about it. He says that the AIDS campaign resulted in mass death and people probably even died just from worrying about it.
Mullins says that the universe is stranger than we can even possibly imagine.