My Sparkle Generator has a malfunction.

The idea behind the sparkle shrines is to create little beautiful machines that make sparkles and rainbows. I put what I care about and what I make in them and I keep them as beautiful as I can. Then I came up with the idea to livestream them. I feel the group hiding behind the internet has been working against this mini project since I started streaming and I welcome them to do that - if they are - as that only exposes them.

Since one of my sparkle zones had a turntable break, I’m putting up another sparkle zone that I maintain. I invite people to keep an eye on my numbers around these streams. They reveal a lot of truth although they are obviously not honest.

Update: All morning I’ve been trying to broadcast my “new” sparkle zone and technical failure has been a constant issue. We’ll see if my luck changes.

Another update: Now it looks like we’ve been attacked with malware through our Apple equipment and I was able to get another stream up. Hopefully we’ll find a way to deal with these technical problems.