Do you want to see the architects of psychoterrorism tried in court for their many crimes?

They haven’t been hard to spot one bit despite all their efforts to hide their rampant criminality. Wouldn’t discovery - finding out everything in court - be so interesting?

Because these terrorists never got caught and rather they gained immense power, we are enduring this atrocious state of affairs. Isn’t it time we actually unite to hold these criminals responsible for what they have done and what they are doing to us? Have you had enough of their global regime yet?

Because these terrorists never got caught and rather they gained immense power, we are enduring this atrocious state of affairs. Isn’t it time we actually unite to hold these criminals responsible for what they have done and what they are doing to us? Have you had enough of their global regime yet?

Terrorists have been treated like they are above the law because we have been allowing them to be treated as if they are above the law and now they are trying to murder and murdering us en masse.

Terrorists have been

treated like they are

above the law because

we have been allowing

them to be treated as

if they are above the

law and now they are

trying to murder and

murdering us

en masse.

Catch the 911 terrorists who are so easy to identify and you’ll catch the nightmare makers of today.

Catch the 911 terrorists who are so easy to identify and you’ll catch the nightmare makers of today.