Just say no to abuse.

No one abuses us without our consent. We outnumber them by a lot my Friends. Their base of support dwindles. Ours increases. The people have the power. It is an honor and privilege to fight for a cause such as ours.

The individuals who like to try and harass me (they only expose themselves) came and put on another one of their shows in front of my house. I won’t bore you with all the details but many were being very loud and threatening all around my house. Then I saw a police car pull up in front of my house and the police turned their headlights on those individuals - who then quickly LEFT.
Thank you so much for that support. The police have always been very good to me throughout this project. Sending love from my heart. We are in this together. United we stand. The best is yet to come.


COLUMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE To: Governor Kate Brown  I write to you today on behalf of the citizens of Columbia County in hopes of opening a dialogue. As Sheriff, it is my responsibility to provide for the peace and safety of those in Columbia County. I believe it is in the best interest of Columbia County, and all other counties throughout Oregon, to retain local control over decisions affecting the public health and safety and to protect the individual choice of those we represent. The people of Columbia County want our county back. The citizens have endured "two weeks to flatten the curve", unemployment and the loss of several of our small businesses over the last year and a half and we have had enough! You have once again initiated what many consider to be an unconstitutional mandate by requiring our children and citizens to wear masks and by requiring vaccinations for state employees, healthcare workers and teaching staff. We have had enough of your overreaching mandates and bullying threats. In short, the Columbia County Sheriff's Office will not be enforcing vaccination requirements or mask mandates. The citizens of Columbia County will choose to wear a mask or choose not to wear a mask. We will choose to get vaccinated or choose not to get vaccinated. But we will do so as individuals with free will over our own bodies. And I, as Sheriff, will fight for and support the residents of Columbia County in this endeavor. As Sheriff of Columbia County, I took an oath to uphold the constitution and to stand up and defend the people of this beautiful county we call home. I, and the other elected leaders in Columbia County, have the right to do what is in the best interest for our community. Let us do so. We demand local control be placed where it works best, in the hands of the individual citizens and the local officials who represent Columbia County. Respectfully, Brian Pixley, Sheriff


To: Governor Kate Brown

I write to you today on behalf of the citizens of Columbia County in hopes of opening a dialogue. As Sheriff, it is my responsibility to provide for the peace and safety of those in Columbia County. I believe it is in the best interest of Columbia County, and all other counties throughout Oregon, to retain local control over decisions affecting the public health and safety and to protect the individual choice of those we represent. The people of Columbia County want our county back.

The citizens have endured "two weeks to flatten the curve", unemployment and the loss of several of our small businesses over the last year and a half and we have had enough!

You have once again initiated what many consider to be an unconstitutional mandate by requiring our children and citizens to wear masks and by requiring vaccinations for state employees, healthcare workers and teaching staff.

We have had enough of your overreaching mandates and bullying threats. In short, the Columbia County Sheriff's Office will not be enforcing vaccination requirements or mask mandates. The citizens of Columbia County will choose to wear a mask or choose not to wear a mask. We will choose to get vaccinated or choose not to get vaccinated. But we will do so as individuals with free will over our own bodies. And I, as Sheriff, will fight for and support the residents of Columbia County in this endeavor.

As Sheriff of Columbia County, I took an oath to uphold the constitution and to stand up and defend the people of this beautiful county we call home. I, and the other elected leaders in Columbia County, have the right to do what is in the best interest for our community. Let us do so. We demand local control be placed where it works best, in the hands of the individual citizens and the local officials who represent Columbia County.


Brian Pixley,
