Given what I’ve experienced, this makes a lot of sense.

It’s a big show is what I’m saying.

The link is here.

I found this on Henry Makow’s site.

I found this on Henry Makow’s site.

The truth is very shocking and it goes against pretty much everything we have all been indoctrinated to believe.

In 1988, Gunther Plaut, a prominent Canadian Rabbi published a book implying Frankist Jews were responsible for the holocaust. The idea was endorsed by no less an authority than Elie Wiesel.

In 1988, Gunther Plaut, a prominent Canadian Rabbi published a book implying Frankist Jews were responsible for the holocaust. The idea was endorsed by no less an authority than Elie Wiesel.

To learn more, click here.

To learn more, click here.

Please help people who are still duped. Hopefully we can reach them.

Please help people who are still duped. Hopefully we can reach them.

The majority of “opposition” on the net is telling the truth to fool people with the lies they slip in. These campaigns are increasing as the public flees their mainstream garbage.

The majority of “opposition” on the net is telling the truth to fool people with the lies they slip in. These campaigns are increasing as the public flees their mainstream garbage.

They are desperately chasing us around because they have lost control of our thinking.

They are desperately chasing us around because they have lost control of our thinking.

We are finally onto them as a global population and it is terrifying them because we vastly outnumber them. We have the power.

We are finally onto them as a global population and it is terrifying them because we vastly outnumber them. We have the power.

They finally have gone too far and now the house of cards is falling. It’s all backfiring.

They finally have gone too far and now the house of cards is falling. It’s all backfiring.

Now we know the identities of of traitors.

Now we know the identities of of traitors.

Treason is illegal everywhere.

Treason is illegal everywhere.