A small group that hides and lies cannot stop all of us.

It really is that simple. We must unite or winner takes it all. The future is either freedom of commerce, freedom of conscience and freedom of speech or it will be what they’ve got planned.
Have you looked into what they’ve got planned? It’s too ridiculous to even write here. A key into understanding their intentions is their behavior right now. Are they behaving in a sane manner?
Have you been enjoying rule under certain central bankers, aristocrats and their corporate friends? Have you had enough yet because they can’t rule over you without your consent. They are clearly not sane and we are not sane if we comply simply because they constantly hammer terror in us.

The people have the power.
Money power is an illusion.

This realm is more supernatural than we have been led to believe. Miracles can happen in alignment with the Most High. A hero’s journey is something that really can beckon for a person ready to take it to the next level.

It’s not easy being a hero but when you know you are one, it gives a feeling of peace.

It’s not easy being a hero but when you know you are one, it gives a feeling of peace.

The silver lining here is that the forces of darkness are actually nudging a lot of people up taking that leap. I’m not the only one doing the hero’s journey. I have yet to hear ONE person say they’ve regretted taking that plunge.
My life is so supernatural now that I feel like I can’t even divulge what’s happening because it’s so out there. I have developed supernatural abilities. I am getting information that is very accurate. I can remotely spy on the other side. First I’m shown the identity of the perpetrators, then I’m shown how to prove it. Look around Kissinger. He’s the hub.

The puppets will get caught then they will tell on their masters.

The puppets will get caught then they will tell on their masters.

I hope I have been able to repeatedly PROVE this. My project has been online every single day since 9/2014. Look it up. The proof is all over the internet.

Their power is an ILLUSION.

I’m not afraid of the terrorists because I know they can’t kill my soul. They can’t kill the real me. I don’t think this. I KNOW this.

I will never let liquid from the dictatorship into my body.

I will never let liquid from the dictatorship into my body.

Viva La France. The spirit of Napoleon LIVES.

We are winning and we will win.

We are winning and we will win.