Oligarchy is a system that works for oligarchs and those who want to be blindly led around into acting against their own best interests.

I had posted an article from a writer previously but I removed it because I later found the writer was pushing certain divisive agendas without evidence.
The article that was below was about oligarchy and the inevitability of war or world war. From my perspective, we are in a very serious spiritual and financial war right now. There is no denying that.
We are in a revolution or we’re in a revelation. Revolution means big change and it doesn’t have to be violent, it can be spiritual and it can happen in each of our minds.

As someone who has found myself fending off abusers for much of my life, I had to learn to stand up for myself and to stop allowing abusers near me. If we want to get free of global abuse - globalist abuse is exactly what’s happening right now - each of us is going to need to learn how to say NO.
No more abuse.

That would be a revolution and that is the revolution that I am pushing for. Each and everyone of us needs a backbone, strength that comes from alignment with the Most High and the ability and the will to say, “Not on my watch!”