This is the pattern of behavior.

  1. Divide and conquer.

  2. They pretend they are humanitarians and that the real humanitarians are the villains.

  3. They mirror their targets to gain trust.

  4. They pretend to belong to the groups they wish to destroy.

  5. They lie and try to trap a target by their good intentions.

  6. They promise things they will never deliver.

  7. They guilt people and create constant lose lose scenarios.

  8. They tell stories that make no sense and tell people they’re bad if they don’t believe them.

  9. They lie as a group.

  10. They accuse those that oppose them of harboring the malice that they themselves possess.

  11. Bribes and threats.

  12. Blackmail.

  13. Provocation.

  14. Distraction.

  15. False accusation name calling.