Learn that game well. This continues as long as we globally allow it. The chaos makers are a small minority and they are fairly easy to spot and very vulnerable to blackmail. It’s really difficult to hide one’s rampant criminality from the internet. This technology which was supposed to be their lynch pin is their undoing because it perfectly registers their fakeness and their antisocial personality disorder type patterns. How will the sneaky operators torment civilization for the next centuries when it’s so easy to see them coming?
A lot of lower level secret society people are not in on it and think they’re just in a nice club. But they need to wise up too. It’s called being cover. The low level people get thrown to the wolves when things heat up to give the upper levels time to run and hide. This applies to many hierarchical organizations in operation today. It’s not difficult to figure out the identities of the other ones. Patterns.
They call their dupes and cover “useful idiots” and they laugh at them. An agent laughed at them when she was on the phone with me and she told me most of their dupes have no idea who they are really working for. This was while she was trying to dupe me into becoming a useful idiot! Don’t overestimated their intelligence. People who think lying and hiding and doing wrong their whole lives because they are so very superior that the rules don’t apply to them are morally insane.
This is a very dangerous time to be a useful idiot. I think the secret societies have really overextended themselves this time. If they are going to get sued for all the damage they’ve been doing lately - which they will - how can they possibly manage to be able to manipulate every court every where? The house of cards will fall and and an aware global population will simply not tolerate occupation global rule that they view as deeply diabolical and genocidal in nature.
Government is creating the chaos so it can impose its definition of Orwellian order with public approval.
Hegelian Dialectic
The synthetic solution to these conflicts can’t be introduced unless those being manipulated take a side that will advance the pre-determined agenda.
It’s the same tricks over and over and over. Once you wise up, the illusions lose all of their power.
The root problem is spiritual and the solution is also spiritual.
Either we fight for good or we sell ourselves out.
Selling oneself out is not a safer path than fighting for good.