I believe Trump was a front man for a fake populist movement. Now his handlers are looking for a front man who can really fool the heroes.

Biden is so hilariously terrible like it’s on purpose. The shills keep pushing Trump. Are they trying to pull a “return from Elba” for Trump? Watching the puppets parade through the committee is giving me that idea. Watching the committee is giving me a lot of deja vu.

Why are so many of speakers bringing up Trump out of nowhere? That group of publicists tried pushing Trump on me too.

They tried tricking me into becoming their useful idiot, now they are very obviously trying to trick someone else into that role.

They tried tricking me into becoming their useful idiot, now they are very obviously trying to trick someone else into that role.

Is it not obvious “q” has just been rebranded as “antivax”?

Is it not obvious “q” has just been rebranded as “antivax”?