Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Alexis Stylianou is battling the “biggest scam ever in history of the planet” and the new rule by decree regime that just magically popped up in Cyprus.

Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers and experts from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.

Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Alexis Stylianou. This lawyer is working tirelessly to combat the new arrangement in Cyprus where a health minister issues a decree as if one is an omnipotent dictator. Mr. Stylianou discusses how a man was going to be tried for attempting to protest and then the case was dismissed as this situation would have blatantly revealed the rampant corruption of the court system to an increasingly enraged public.

To expose the origins of the not so hidden sneaky dictatorship attacking us, allow me to suggest listening to REAL HISTORY. To watch this lawyer of courage, Alexis Stylianou, speak, start the video at around 2:51:00. I transcribed a summary of the dialogue below. There’s a lot more information available if you want to watch the video and it is well worth your time.

Alexis Stylianou: This is the first time I’m participating in one of these investigative meetings. Obviously we would like to know how each country will coordinate so we can help each other out. If you’d like I can give you a quick review of the situation in Cyprus?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I want to ask if there has been a big case in Cyprus about the PCR Tests and then it was dismissed? Is that true?

Alexis Stylianou: I haven’t heard anything about that. If you can give me more details about that.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I’m sure you know better than I do. It must be a rumor. There are lots of rumors going around. One of them included myself and a thousand lawyers filing a complaint. Well, whatever. Go ahead, sorry about that.

Alexis Stylianou: We are as a country actually lagging behind because there are not that many lawyers who are available or awake enough to know what’s going on. Or on the same page with us. A few of us have to do everything. We are a team of lawyers and doctors. I think that one of my colleagues is already in contact with you. We have civil proceedings coming up shortly. We filed a case last week for the parents and their children who don’t want to do PCR or rapid antigen tests. A lot of parents have actually filed lawsuits against the health ministry. One of the grounds of our lawsuits is the illegality of the measures. We haven’t even gone into whether they are constitutional or not. We believe that they are unconstitutional. We view this thing as the biggest scam ever in the history of the planet. We’re first going on the illegality of the measure because basically the health minister is basically just passing decrees and they never go through parliament. Rule by decree. That’s what we have.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: It’s like everywhere in the world. Everywhere, it’s always the same story. Lock step approach.

Alexis Stylianou: I think the UK has an actual law that they passed through parliament, a year ago.

Viviane Fischer: You know that also it used to be like this with bylaws

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: It used to be an omnipotent government that could rule by decree. Same in the United States. Many of the governors were simply reined in by the Supreme Courts in Wisconsin and in Pennsylvania, and a district court in California. Saying yes you can have emergency measures but only for a certain period and then you have to involve the legislative bodies.

Alexis Stylianou: Cyprus wasn’t actually claimed to be in a state of emergency. There may have been legal problems in that. We have the Turkish Cypriot side and the Greek Cypriot side. There might have been some legal constitutional problems with declaring us in a state of emergency. So they didn’t do that. In that case, you have to go through parliament because we’re not in a state of emergency. And they never did that. What we’re trying to do now is to get a court to decide that those states were illegal. There has been no response from the government obviously during the one and half months that we have been telling everyone that these measures are not legal. There’s been no response from anyone so obviously, because they know that they are illegal. We’re now expecting a decision hopefully next week by the district court, maybe two weeks, we don’t know how long the court will delay it. About three or four days ago, we had this new decree which is about the Corona pass, it’s like the green pass that they’re talking about around Europe now. Now they’re calling it safe pass because there’s a conflict with the Microsoft app. With the safe pass you have to provide this pass. To have it you have to be either vaccinated or have had a PCR Test within 72 hours of you going to a restaurant, or any retail shop. The only exceptions are supermarkets, grocery stores and hairdressers. Now we are to file an urgent civil action in the courts next week. There’s been so much resistance from people and from businesses alike to this decree that they have now pulled back within three or four days. Now they are going to allow people to be in at least outdoor spaces without having a Corona pass. So they are going to cancel this decree within days of implementing and they will issue another one. Thankfully. Now we will wait for the new decree to come out. Probably on Monday and then challenge that decree a couple of days later. We can actually ask for a decision within two or three days. Let’s hope for the best. We want to do a class action about these masks. There are many people who are interested in joining these lawsuits. We’re hoping for the best. Someone was arrested for telling people to go to a protest. So protests are illegal now too. If that’s not a reason to protest - that protests are illegal. I don’t know what is. Five months ago, they filed a court case against him. As soon as his legal representation was ready to file their submission on why the measures are illegal and unconstitutional, the attorney general decided to withdraw the case because they din’t want to give the court the chance to make a decision.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Are they afraid that the court is independent?

Alexis Stylianou: No, they’re afraid that illegality is such a straight argument. There’s no argument against it. If a court decides against it. It’s going to be exposed that there’s a real problem with justice in the country.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s important because that’s what’s happening here too. That’s why many people think that even if you go to court, if you file a complaint, you are either going to win, of course we are basing most of what we are doing on the PCR Test. You are either going to win on a factual basis - all of the experts agree even the WHO agrees that the PCR Test can’t tell you anything about infections but if you don’t win because they’re not going to hear any witnesses or because they’re trying to reschedule this case that it’s going to be tried some time two years from now or something. That’s when the courts, the judicial system unmasks themselves. So that’s why it’s a win win. Either you win because you’re winning on the basis of facts or you lose and thereby unleash probably a storm if not a revolution. That’s probably true. That’s probably why he withdrew the case.

Lawyer Alexis Stylianou

Lawyer Alexis Stylianou

Alexis Stylianou: We had a second case yesterday that was not withdrawn but but postponed by the attorneys because they have these orders from the attorney general, whenever there is a challenge on the legality of the measures. Always postpone.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: The illegality of the measures is based on the fact that this is ruling by decree. I got it.

Alexis Stylianou: It never went through parliament. Maybe they’re waiting for the new parliament to come in. We have elections on the thirteenth of May. Maybe they’re waiting to see if the new parliament will actually vote and make these measures legal. In which case, they can’t do that retrospectively. They can only make whatever measures they pass legal afterwards if they pass them through the parliament. However in that case we have to go after the main argument. Let’s go on the attack and attack the PCR Test with a lawsuit as you said. We have to get our evidence to the court. Our expert witnesses to the court. So they can see there’s another story here. That is not being shown by the mainstream media. We’ve gathered loads of evidence from years before. Like in November 2018 and 2019, there were 450 roughly deaths every November from all causes. Then you have 10 percent of those that were from breathing conditions. So then you have Covid-19 deaths in 2020 which were just 23. Every year you have around 50 deaths from respiratory problems. And you have 23 deaths from Covid in 2020. Which shows you that the mainstream media is not showing the numbers. Everything is covid right now. So there is a misleading of the public. Obviously this has been orchestrated. It remains to be seen whether the governments knew what is going on or whether they are just following orders from the World Health Organization or the other organizations. With all of this information that we have regarding misleading the public, we also filed a report to the police. Of course the police are cooperating with the government so they’re not going to be so eager to investigate our case. We filed a 37 page report on the mainstream media and their misleading of the public and on the health minister and the government, in general, they’re not doing their job properly. When you’re not running your country as it should it is a criminal offense as well. Because a public servant has a duty to run the country in a fair and legal way. If they do something that is misleading, that obviously opens them up to criminal offenses as well. So the report has been filed. It has been two and half months since it has been filed. Nothing has happened. Because they obviously don’t want to investigate and now we have taken them to the administrative court so that the their negligence to attend to this case will actually be stopped. So hopefully we’ll have a result with that soon. Then we’ve got another case that I plan to lodge soon. It’s going to be another complaint to the police. We have to go to the police first before we can file a private criminal proceeding. So first we have to report it to the police and if they don’t do anything then we have to file it as a private criminal case. We are using Oveido Convention which states that you can’t force or coerce anyone to do a medical intervention on this body without their free and informed consent. So the decrees by the minister, which is telling us that in order to work we need to take a PCR Test, that is coercion. That’s definitely not doing it with your free will. So depending in what country you are, in Cyprus luckily enough when this convention was ratified into law, they actually made it into criminal offenses if you violate this law. You cannot violate this law.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Now you have the government violating this law.

Alexis Stylianou: Because they are coercing us. When a child wants to go to school, his parent has to give consent so that the child will do a test to go to school. That is also coercion. Definitely not free and informed consent. They’ve also not been answering any of our letters that we’ve been writing to them. The health ministry just doesn’t answer. It’s almost like it has closed shop.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Again, this is a strategy that is applied all over the world. We just heard from Ellie Dillmann from Australia. We have the same thing here. We’re experiencing the same thing here. We either get no answers or boilerplate standardized letters.

Viviane Fischer: What’s the vaccination situation like?

Alexis Stylianou: Forty percent of the population have been vaccinated according to the reports from the government. Now they’re talking about the third dose that is required for the Pfizer vaccine.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: There’s probably going to be a fourth, fifth and sixth very soon. People must understand that there is something seriously wrong here. It’s a matter of time before more people are going to rise up. Simply because they’re angry and fed up with this.

Alexis Stylianou: There’s going to be more deaths, I think, from the vaccinations.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: The most important place to attack is that this use of the PCR Tests is a lie and that the notion of asymptotic infections is a lie. But as far as the so called vaccinations are concerned, they are important because something has gotten out of hand. Something went wrong. The deaths are not part of the plan. We don’t think. The fact that there are so many adverse reactions. Like we heard just this morning another article that I think I quoted, we read that twenty percent of the population in the nursing homes died after vaccination. Twenty percent. That’s a lot. This is not special for Germany. It’s happening all over the world. Except that in most countries the actual reports are probably fake. Trying to keep the numbers low. But if that is true then this is not something they have planned for. I think the plan was to get people vaccinated, to not have any side effects and hoping for them to make it until the winter and fall season. Then, by claiming, “O NO people are getting seriously ill and at the same time hoping that the majority of the population will have forgotten about the vaccinations in the winter and the spring, they would try to convince us to get a second or third or fourth shot. Something went wrong. All of a sudden people are alarmed and many do not want to get vaccinated anymore. We heard from our friend Leslie Manookian in the United States a little less than thirty percent of the population got vaccinated and then this whole thing dried up. Interest in vaccinations is completely gone. The vaccination centers are empty. So I think if only half of what Professor Bhakdi, Dr. Wodarg, Dolores Cahill, Mike Yeadon predict is true. If only half of the adverse reactions happen and I’m not talking about the ones happening now. I’m talking about the ones that will happen when they run into the actual virus, into the common cold virus or the flu. If only what half of what they predict is true. We may have forty percent of the world’s population that has gotten vaccinated and maybe twenty percent who suffer serious adverse effects. Well it that happens, the system is going to break down. It’s going to collapse. But that’s almost inevitable. If that happens.

Alexis Stylianou: Will we know about it because I’m sure in all countries it was the same. They were only reporting every death as a covid death. So now they reported a couple as having a history of vaccination. Because people started getting concerned. They are now going to use the excuse of personal data, personal protection of data, of dead people. So that they won’t announce if someone had a history of vaccination. So they don’t want us to know that the deaths are coming from the vaccines themselves.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: People are not that stupid. I agree people are pretty stupid but they’re not that stupid. This has woke a lot of people up. Because this is disturbing, I mean, twenty percent of the population in the nursing homes dying after the vaccination? It’s kind of hard to explain that away by telling the people that they’re dying of some cause that can’t be disclosed because of personal data protection. Nah, they’re not going to buy that. I don’t think.

Alexis Stylianou: Now they’re trying to cover themselves as well with the way they communicate publicly. So we’ve had one of the people from the health team from the government. There’s a chance that five to ten percent of people who will be vaccinated will not respond to the vaccine and might die. Imagine if you vaccinate sixty percent of the population. That would be around four to five hundred thousand people. That would mean sixty thousand people will die and they’re telling this to the public.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: This is called “predictive programming”. They’re preparing us.

Alexis Stylianou: Then you have Matt Hancock, the UK health minister said the only way that the measures will not be lifted is if there is a variant that will hit vaccinated people making them severely ill. So that’s preparing.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Well, Matt Hancock is a very controversial figure even in England. He’s got to be the worst actor ever. I’ve seen him in a video pretending to cry because he was so concerned deaths. He’s laughing in reality. It’s incredible. No good faith here. Not in my view. This agenda is being approached in lockstep. Slight variations but basically they’re all trying to do the same things. They’re trying to get us disoriented. They’re trying to get rid of the rule of law. They are trying to make the elected governmental officials into omnipotent emperors so that through them they can further their own agenda. The most important aspect to understand is that they’re trying to get rid of the rule of law and they’re trying to get rid of democracy.

Alexis Stylianou: They’re not going to be successful because we can see that the tiding is turning. Slowly but surely. It’s just going to take a little longer than expected. We need to show what happened back in 2009. Because we even have that Council of Europe decision or investigation. It’s a really important documents, actually. It has a lot of value for convincing people that they’ve tried to do this before. I want to get that in front of a court to show that this has happened before but now they’ve organized a lot better. They organized on how they were going to censor everything.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I can put you in contact with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg because he was a member of the Council of Europe then.

Viviane Fischer: Are you aware we a had a ruling here from a family court in Weimar. This was the first time that a court ruled based on evidence, expert statements.

Alexis Stylianou: I was only aware of the Portuguese decision.

Viviane Fischer: It’s one hundred page ruling. We have it translated into English. It includes all the expert opinion. So you can really use this on the PCR Test, on the dangerousness of the masks and on the psychological effects on children.

Michael Verstraeten: What happened to this judge in Weimar. I heard they put him in jail for a few hours.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: No they didn’t. There are a lot of rumors swirling around. They searched his home, his office and his car and they seized his cellphone and his computer. But he now has an excellent criminal defense attorney and he’s gotten everything back and it turned out that there’s a new decision, a new ruling by an appellate court which explicitly states yes, it’s the family court which are responsible for deciding whether or not a child’s wellbeing is in danger. It’s not the administrative law courts because that’s what happened here. Behind the scenes, this falls under the responsibility of a member of the Green Party. They are probably politically the most dangerous position that we have to watch out for. Because the entire world was reading this decision and it’s extremely helpful in many courts of law in the United States. They tried to put a lid on this. They tried to signal to the rest of the world, if any other judge acts in this manner, we’re going to put him behind bars. That’s why these rumors are swirling around. They’re losing this case because as I said an appellate court, not the one that’s responsible for this decision, another appellate court implicitly stated, “No, it’s not the administrative court in whose responsibility this falls. It’s the family law court.” This ruling is still there. It has not been overturned.

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