Lawyer and Economist Viviane Fischer states her position clearly as she runs for office in Germany: she is fighting for human dignity.

I have been doing what I can to make the information presented in German in a now censored video easily available to my readers. My work is incomplete. The video below shows my source material. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg are running for office in Germany to STOP THE FATAL CORONA MEASURES.

In the video, we also see grasssroots democracy party dieBasis co-founder Antje Bäs, along with family members are who clearly very proud to support her in her heroic work.

To derail this team’s noble quest, a bunch of infiltrators have been trying to disrupt their selfless efforts. The video below addresses what they are going to do to stand up to their sneaky opposition. Fuellmich, Fischer, Bäs and Wodarg also outline the nature of their motivation. They want us humans to go on as what we are meant to be, with a sense of dignity and freedom. This is about pushing back the lawless anarchy that has been hoisted upon us.

To watch, the link is here.

To watch, the link is here.

The following is continued from here.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: You cannot believe the panic that is still in evidence. You don’t see it where I live but as soon as you go into the city or sit on a train you can’t believe that so many, without resistance, are still wearing a coffee filter. It’s obviously only to humiliate the people. The panic that causes it and drives people into the vaccinations are not as numerous as they claim in the mainstream media. Neither here nor in the USA. But this panic is such a massive massive illusion. It has been caused by a psychological operation. It has been created as a giant illusion and the moment you pull the veil to the side and then you see the little dwarfish gnome is sitting there.

Once you see who is behind the illusion, it is over.

All of these people are rushing into the abyss over this illusion. They need to keep this illusion going but it is hardly working anymore. That’s what they are trying within the party. To create the fantasy of pushing nonsense. This is controlled opposition.

Antje Bäs: This party is strong and big enough to bring together thousands and thousands of people. When we stand together then we are so strong and they are afraid of that. We are the only party who can claim these disenfranchised voters. This corrupt bribed system can no longer have any claim to the right to shape the future. I will say it over and over loudly until everyone rises up. That is why I co-founded DieBasis. I want to encourage everyone to not be afraid. Start on a small scale, a little bit of resistance together to bring in others.

Heroic Viviane Fischer is running for office in Germany to really serve the public and I hope that she gets a flood of support.

Heroic Viviane Fischer is running for office in Germany to really serve the public and I hope that she gets a flood of support.

Viviane Fischer: We need to keep reaching out and telling the truth to people. To point out that what’s going on makes no sense and if it doesn’t make sense then one needs to explores the intentions behind these measures. I think we need to stress that the situation is abnormal and that we have the information on why these things are happening. Someone was telling me that we have 20,000 or 25,000 people and that is a large intimidating number to the system. We’re not just a party but we’re also a movement. I don’t think we should let this party get knocked out of our hands so to speak.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: It’s anarchy. Whether they’re driven by money or criminality, it’s anarchy where the laws are simply disregarded because those that have the most money or can shoot the best win. That is not the fight we want. We want rules to exist. We have worked long and arduously for them. We have argued for 70 years about this and it tries again and again to re-emerge. We have fought in Europe and in Germany about this. Especially in Germany. We want to preserve these rules. Our human dignity is the top priority. The dignity of each and every one of us. All different. All equal. That is what we must save.

We don’t want discrimination, the way we are experiencing it now. The one who subjects their child to a vaccination is now allowed to go on a plane. Now when I go on a bus, there are two policemen in front of the bus. For now, you can go to a restaurant and enjoy yourself. Next, the police will be demanding you put on your mask and they want to see your vaccination papers. This is madness what is happening here. It’s complete medical nonsense. Whoever orders something like that doesn’t do it because it protects our health. People are being so discriminated against, so terrified and harmed. It is really worth fighting against. If we want the rules to apply then we are forced to stand for election in the Bundestag because the rules come from there. Or we are saying that anarchy is okay and that we don’t mind it. We must put our fingers in the wound and address MPs who should only be elected if they are serving the public’s best interests. Otherwise, we are saying that anarchy is okay. People need to get their rights back.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We have the wind at our backs. We just have to be careful that the same methods used by the same people who are pushing corona measures are not also using divisive tactics in our party. There are only a few that try to create the impression that the party is facing a crucial test. Which is not true. There are rumors being spread that we are not united. Similar tactics are being used against us as the ones used to keep the corona illusion going. Some people don’t like to be confrontational but they rather try to be diplomatic. You can’t do that here. You have to show your colors. You have to speak to people plainly. You have to trust your gut feeling. Your instincts. The other side has no access to this. We have that, which is why we attract people.

Dr. Wolgang Wodarg: I’m pleased we are saying these things so openly. I am pleased we are doing this conference now and that it is public. I hope as many people as possible see it. The media will do everything they can to deny us. They will also be friendly to those who wish to divide us. We will express ourselves publicly again and again and again. We may not need this media at all. We will express ourselves in other ways. We have millions of people who listen to us and we will use that but we demand that the party work to ensure that we are given the minutes that are available to us in public broadcasting.

Viviane Fischer: We want to save lives. It’s not just a question of representing the party accurately. If we can reach a family and show them why they should not allow their child to be “vaccinated, this is so fundamental. I get angry when I see us trivialized as a bunch of people raising a glass at a long table. Instead we should be saying, “Watch out, there are monied interests out there that do not care if they harm children.” It is very clear in which direction the announcement has to go.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: There is an artist with a gallery who has made a work entitled: “Protect your children from the pharmaceutical industry.” That is right. The public is turning in our favor and that is why the criminals are turning their wheels.
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: Doctors should protect you from the pharmaceutical industry.

Viviane: Talk to mayors. Talk to people in your communities. Look for people who can think critically. Don’t be confrontational but try to talk to them about whether some things can be done differently. The lies about the hospital intensive care beds being full have been exposed. All of this information is out there. There is great potential for the party. Great potential for us to be elected and for us to have a say in things. That is why we are so dangerous. That’s why they run at us from outside, from inside. This activity shouldn’t hinder us in our activities. If we can identify certain people who may be behaving counterproductively, we can stop this pattern. For every person who wants to put themselves in the middle of affairs right now, I can ask, “where have you been the last 15 months?” Any one who is trying to block us prevents meaningful questions from being asked. We need to make sure we don’t get bogged down by things that don’t really matter

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What we have done with the Corona Committee, not the party but, the Corona Committee offers a very good platform. The rest is stinking garbage. This party is the best platform. Otherwise, we wouldn’t comment on what goes on in the meetings. But we are doing this since we have been cut off from communication, apparently deliberately cut off.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is returning to politics to stand up for us and I hope that he receives oceans of support. He deserves it.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is returning to politics to stand up for us and I hope that he receives oceans of support. He deserves it.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: We need to see that these measures are ended. We will help you in the rest of Europe to ensure that there is enough tailwind who those who want to return to their constitutions. We have the strength to do this together. We shouldn’t be derailed by newcomers. The big parties do have people of good faith, who are upright. We need them.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Everyone knows that I can express myself in an usual manner. I also can wear a suit and all of the trimmings but of course you are right. I don’t mean people are stinking garbage. It’s the institutions that have totally failed. As a trial attorney, I haven’t not been used to having to fight so hard and that is why I express myself in this manner now. I believe it’s no longer the time to express careful formulations. Rather, it’s time to call things by their right names. It’s time to take action. It’s time now to take definite positions before it’s too late. This is not about one person imposing their will on another. This is about life and death. Just because dieBasis is a grassroots democracy movement, it doesn’t mean that it can’t benefit from a little management. The party has to strive for power in the federal election campaign.

Viviane Fischer: Our position is that we want to be human. We don’t want to give up our humanity to become some genetically modified new entity. Rather, we want to continue to be what we were, which is good for us as humans. That we are permitted to go on living is what matters. Free human beings should be able to live and if we have to fight for our existence to continue, then we will get involved in the democratic process. Living in a state of human dignity is our urgent wish. It is wonderful to be human and this is how we want to continue to be. We won’t let anyone take that away from us. We will not let manipulative tricksters knock opportunities out of our hands. This opportunity belongs to us. We will continue to do very well as long as long as the party continues to support us.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s it.