Eye of the storm - A Corona Committee meeting is quickly censored today.

I was looking forward to hearing what the Corona Committee had to say today but my internet wouldn’t work. I wasn’t surprised in the least when I got my internet back that the Reiner Fuellmich led meeting had vanished from YouTube. Censoring speech, particularly political speech, is a violation of the US Constitution.

If we think our governments are out to exterminate us and that we have the evidence to prove it, we are most definitely going to do our best to make sure this is discussed as openly as possible.

The idea of cowering in fear before a group who have repeatedly stated their intention to kill us is obviously not an option. That would be just letting them slaughter us.

If what we are all saying is ludicrous, then there would be absolutely no reason to censor us. As we would sound entirely ridiculous and no one would listen to us.

Although, my internet went out and YouTube removed what I had been watching, I was still able to record an hour of it. The hour I was able to record was about deliberate genocide against the masses via known dangerous injections and the pushing of known dangerous pharmaceutical products. I’m not putting what I recorded up because I have a bad feeling about the speaker but I do believe he was telling the truth. I think infiltrators are trying to push a vaccine conflict narrative and that the other side is trying to radicalize us into a certain direction. I’ve found that the other side strives to push my side as far to the right as possible. It’s very obvious that they are doing this. One tip off is that the try to get us very emotional so we won’t think as rationally as we might otherwise do so.

In what I could watch, it was being said that it was known ahead of time that death, sterility and life long health problems would be the results of the actions that were to be pushed on the public and these known dangerous actions were pushed on the public anyway.

This is congruent with other evidence that we have seen.

Since I couldn’t watch the entire video I can only guess the nature of the reasoning behind such swift censorship on the part of YouTube.

The news here, as far as I can tell, is that what is being said here is really terrifying someone somewhere. Supposedly omnipotent oligarchs that break all the laws they want, omnipotent oligarchs who supposedly possess practically all of the money and every monopoly in the world wouldn’t have to worry about a conversation between lawyers, experts and sometimes infiltrators - if what they were all saying WEREN’T TRUE.

Draw your own conclusions of course.

Now, this is coming up. Let’s see how long this lasts. We are in the process of witnessing a very interesting strategy being employed by you can guess who.
Obviously, an enthusiastically genocidal political scientist strategist finds it to be his best move to constantly and overtly commit crimes against a horde of righteous lawyers with the entire population of this planet backing them up every single step of the way. This is going to be interesting for sure!

What if this despot were being harbored by the state where he successfully launched one of the biggest terrorism death rituals of all time? What if every many woman and child in that state finally becomes aware of what he unleashed against them? Where would this despot go as he’s launched so much death in despair everywhere else in the world as well? Would they have him at the palace in England? What if they all start to really wake up about them in England too?

If this so called master strategist thinks openly, overtly committing crimes with no cover of plausibly deniability whatsoever is his best move than he’s out of moves.

Wouldn’t anyone agree?

You can see comments were coming in constantly.