Video vanishes from YouTube as I am transcribing it!

While I had been working on transcribing this video this morning, it vanishes from YouTube. If you want to see the hidden hand manipulating feverishly, then watch the Corona Committee channel. This hidden hand mafia like group has been very dominant since the unfortunate fall of Napoleon. Are we going to give them another 200 years of treating us like this just because they are that amazing at mind control techniques?
It’s up to all of you to keep the real resistance going. We are fighting for you, your life, your freedom and your future. If you like what we are doing, help us continue our missions and we will support yours as well. This is a time of mass heroism or they’ll get their global slave plantation dream. This story ends the way you want it to end.

Can you differentiate between the real ones and the fakes? Hopefully, it’s fairly obvious by now.

Notice how YouTube left up the video that was very obviously infiltrated as I discussed already on this blog. No infiltrators in the video, the video disappears. Learn this game well.

My first post about this Dr. Reiner Fuellmich led meeting is here.

This is what I took down as the video was “disappeared”. The following is continued from here.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We will say something but I think Martin as well as I have run [for political office] in Saxony-Anhalt for a good reason, I could have run in Lower Saxony. I didn’t do it because unfortunately I had no confidence in the people that we will talk about in a moment, but maybe I can say something from the point of view of the grassroots situation in Saxony-Anhalt, especially regarding the orientation of the party.

Antje Bäs: So I just want to briefly again describe the election in Saxony-Anhalt so there was a state election in Baden-Württemberg that took place in March. There was a very short preparation of the non-members in Baden-Würtemberg and a result we were very, very badly below 1 percent which was then just below the party financing limit. Then we tried everything from Baden-Würtemberg to gain and implement knowledge, templates for our state parliament. Saxony-Anhalt is in a positive place in that it has led us to try to convey so much grassroots democracy, united determination, community spirit and so on.
Of course, it’s clear criticism of the measures that is ultimately the reason we have founded our movement in the first place. We actually thought that everyone had to be clear about our criticism of the measures. To continue along these lines cannot take place. This should be clear to every voter who deals with our party. That’s why we are together fighting for fundamental democracy with a sense of combined determination, a sense of community and as far as promising topics are supported. We have sparsely populated states in Saxony-Anhalt. We have shaken up many people by distributing a brochure. In the brochure, were shown Wolfgang Wodarg, Martin Schwab, Professor Bhakdi and Viviane Fischer. I think we made it clear where the journey was going and it was being presented at the Corona Committee. We were saying that most people needed to join us or even join the party or to vote for us. In retrospect, I would just like to say again we have tried everything to give people a positive feeling to communicate that self empowerment is the only way a real democracy can exist. I can say it loudly but I told them I needed support, signatures for Martin Schwab, our candidate.
We went into a hardware store and said we are against the measure and we got 100 percent of the people to sign immediately. In conclusion, I’m saying it is not enough to talk about democracy, we must behave democratically.

We no longer have any fundamental democratic forms. Our candidates are subjected to house searches. The state no longer does what it is supposed to be doing. We have to, from my point of view, address issues very clearly and in a new way.
We stand for a real, direct, clear democracy and that only works if the measures change. That is my opinion.
My conclusion from the Saxony-Anhalt state elections and I just want to also say that it is not enough for us to be told of some vague improvement. We should not be seduced by the idea that we are building a beautiful new world and that we are all happy.
We all want our children to make free vaccination decisions, without a mask and keeping a distance. We should be able to have a fair school system, ecological agriculture and a decent economy for a future for all of us.
We don’t want people to lose their houses and their families and for there to be a divide in society. We all don’t want that!

That is completely clear but we cannot achieve that if we start with some gender toilet vote referendum. We need to reach people who normally don’t vote. To reject this system. It is corrupt. To reject this system because it is controlled and because it wants to harm us as humans.
We cannot change or influence when they are trying to make it about speed limits. So that we won’t reach these disenfranchised voters. We can only reach these people if we are very clear and if we take our positions very seriously. We need them to know that we want to abolish these measures and we want a real democracy.

Dr. Reiner Füllmich. A man who shows great qualities of leadership and integrity. Observe how terrified the system is of him. Compare that with the drama club media circus we always saw around the fake populism of Trump. How do I know Trump was a fake populist? Because the group behind him tried to manipulate me into losing my credibility by giving him some of mine. If we want it better, we are going to have to take back sovereignty of our MINDS.

Dr. Reiner Füllmich. A man who shows great qualities of leadership and integrity. Observe how terrified the system is of him. Compare that with the drama club media circus we always saw around the fake populism of Trump. How do I know Trump was a fake populist? Because the group behind him tried to manipulate me into losing my credibility by giving him some of mine. If we want it better, we are going to have to take back sovereignty of our MINDS.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: So that there are no incorrect impressions established, I, Martin, Viviane, Wolfgang and I do not speak for the party. We speak exclusively for ourselves. Viviane and I are both attorneys. Viviane is brilliant and she is also an economist and a milliner. Wolfgang is a doctor. We speak exclusively in our own names. We make no demands. We are just stating our own opinions. One thing that stuck out before I go into detail on my perspective. It was clear from the communication department that it tried specifically to block communication.
I think this is due to the fact that the other side is assuming that if the public hears us that we will meet with overwhelming approval. That has been the case so far in any personal conversation we have had. That is the reason why we have chosen this path because the message, the opinion we represent, which we have to convey is very necessary.
There is so much going on here. If the party is specifically trying to dissuade the party from its original course; In the direction of a gender toilet referendum or a speed limit adjustment. That can also be done by the Green Party.

Perhaps it’s a coincidence that these things reduce important work to irrelevancy. This is about fighting the Corona measures. Naturally, this is not the only important topic. Naturally, you have to think about education, you have to think about health, everything has to be reorganized, everything has to be good as long as we are here.

YouTube removed a civil evidence based conversation by REAL INDEPENDENT citizens attempting to run for office in Germany! Honest professionals are being censored for behaving heroically.

YouTube removed a civil evidence based conversation by REAL INDEPENDENT citizens attempting to run for office in Germany! Honest professionals are being censored for behaving heroically.

We will fight to the death at this point. We have to prevent more deaths so that we can even begin to discuss all of these other topics. We’ve learned this from surveys and our findings are now reflected in England and in France. All over the world.
A point has been reached where it is no longer worth arguing about the question. About whether this is about health. We all know that this is not about health but it’s about eugenics and that is very obvious.

The latest figures from the USA say there’s been 1,000 deaths within 180 days from the start of vaccinations after the first vaccination. That is very clear language there. We also have corresponding numbers from other countries too. Israel and so on. We don’t have any time to lose and, above all, we don’t have any energy to waste in the direction of anything that is not a real priority.
In my view, as an experienced lawyer, if someone is trying to castrate the party then it is happening out of stupidity or on purpose. Then this fits into the Corona universe where false information is given on purpose. I don’t want to have anything to do with these people or their boss. The party’s course should not be negotiable from my point of view. The party needs to be true to its roots.

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It looks like I was able to get a rough bootleg despite YouTube disappearing this content. To be continued.