Thank you Paladin Eric for going against the vaccine civil war idea that the media keeps pushing.

As we don’t have enough problems with the endless pandemic lies.
I hope everyone will start to see EXACTLY what “the media” is all about these days. Watching this group keep trying to find ways to get us murdered is making everyone as angry as they really should be. Finally that anger is getting directed correctly. It takes a lot of PRIDE for a small group to think they can get away with murdering the majority.

This same group came after me pressuring me to join Q and they put my name in a book pushing the idea of civil war and then they all “ignored” me en masse when I wouldn’t go along with it. A US Government agent tried to pressure and entice me into promoting civil war in the US. No one stops her. These people really, really want civil war in the US and they are being paid by our tax dollars to war on us and to harass me and to deny that I have acquired notoriety on my own - despite them.

Our government has been captured by a group doing every thing it can to destroy our country.
It’s time for us to become strong and to have faith in the source of OUR DIVINITY. We are not here to beg for crumbs from criminal slavers who abhor us and view us as their livestock - to do with as they please.

The answer is NO.


We hope and pray frequently for Eric Clapton’s health and well-being and we are SO GRATEFUL for his heroism.

No one else can play guitar like Eric Clapton!

No one else can play guitar like Eric Clapton!