About a year ago, I felt led to start a live stream where I would photograph as much rainbow sparkle as I could. I thought that life was getting a little depressing - on purpose - and it seemed to me that this action might cheer myself up as well as others. Unlike other streams that stay up for years, my stream would always just so happen to go down. I figured the individuals behind YouTube were attacking my work. Then I thought that it was interesting that I was trying to do something positive and healthy and that YouTube - who was professing to be all about health health health - was showing the truth about their real agenda. All year my stream was frequently attacked.
Then I felt led to start a second even more intensely rainbow stream. That one got attacked quite a bit more frequently than the first. If I got comments that were supportive, those comments would disappear. Sometimes insulting or flat earth agenda comments would stay up. Sometimes even those would disappear.
Back in 2017-2018, I started to clearly see that the YouTube “truth community” was really a bunch of controlled opposition agents. I would analyze their work and I would even mirror their videos if I felt that they were proving the truth with evidence. My channel exploded with subscribers and comments then because, you see, “they were successfully subverting me”. As long as I was posting “their” content, they supported me to such a degree that viewers would complain I was being pushed too hard of them by YouTube.
Then I felt led to take the vast majority of that shill content down. Obviously my numbers plummeted and that’s when my Wikipedia entry went down and my numbers disappeared all over the internet everywhere.
But some of that shill content was so full of evidence about what I was trying to prove that I left a little bit of it up.
About a month ago, a video showing the “artists” who clearly wired up the World Trade Center with explosives was censored and I received a strike and right in the middle of uploading my Napoleon readings, my channel froze because of that strike. I couldn’t upload anymore. My streams were locked out as well.
Why was that video of the “artists” who clearly wired up the Worid Trade Center with explosives banned? YouTube accused me of “promoting terrorism”. I was trying to expose terrorism by showing evidence of terrorism. YouTube turns that into its exact opposite. No surprise there.
I went looking for another channel where I could post my content. It turns out that years ago in 2018, when my channel was under attack, I created another channel where I put edgy shill evidence heavy videos. There were quite a few high evidence shill videos on there. While I was ignoring that channel, it somehow got around 1200 subscribers. As you know, numbers don’t come my way much so I was surprised.
The arbitrary idea at YouTube is that you need a 1,000 subscribers to be able to stream.
Then when I started posting Napoleon videos at another channel, I was barred again in the middle of uploading my little videos because I received another strike that froze my account. The video stricken down showed evidence that it was an actor who was sent to shoot up Comet Pizza. You remember, the actor that was said to have shot up the evidence on the computer hard drive?
When that actor was sent there, all of us terrible truthful people were accused of influencing that actor into committing that performance. I’d show you the evidence but YouTube took it down and froze that channel about it. The accusation this time? I was accused of cyber bullying.
Us truthful people were cyberbullied when an actor was sent to Comet Pizza and then we were accused to being responsible for that obvious psyop. I was exposing cyber bullying. YouTube accused me of the exact opposite of what I was doing. No surprise there.
It will come as no surprise that when I started streaming to the channel with 1200 subscribers, a number so close to that magical cutoff number of 1,000, that my subscriber number started to plummet. At the same time, my subscriber numbers were dribbling down on my main channel (below).
Why am I telling you this? I would like to see what happens if I move my streams back to my main channel. I took down the evidence heavy shill videos. YouTube is free to do as they please, of course. I believe that I am proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the government which is responsible for protecting my rights is actually violating them AND HARASSING ME. I also believe that I am exposing some things involving terrorism and controlled opposition campaigns that they are losing the ability to hide.
Are you convinced?
I fight this a hundred percent with everything I’ve got because if I don’t I am complicit in their crimes. I will not be complicit in what they are doing.