Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: Lawyer Peter Weis describes how the Judiciary in Slovakia is being attacked by the Executive and Legislative branches in order to demolish the rule of law.

Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers and experts from around the world were called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.

Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Peter Weis. This lawyer discusses how people with medical conditions are being coerced to stand in the freezing cold wearing masks in order to be subjected to useless PCR Tests. People are being being denied basic medical care if they do not comply with the new totalitarian measures. The army has been called into to buttress the police in order to force the public into compliance but the people are still resisting rampant tyranny.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Abusers can not perpetually abuse, exploit and harm without it returning to them.

To expose the origins of the not so hidden sneaky dictatorship attacking us, allow me to suggest listening to REAL HISTORY. To watch this lawyer of courage, Peter Weis speak, start the video at around 1:21:00. I transcribed a summary of the dialogue below. There’s a lot more information available if you want to watch the video and it is well worth your time.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Now we’re going to turn to Peter Weis from Slovakia. What is the situation?

Lawyer Peter Weis

Lawyer Peter Weis

Peter Weis: What’s the situation here? I think we are doing a little bit better because there are not that many policemen available to enforce. Of course, there’s no rule of law here. On the 19th of January, for example, 2021, an open letter of Slovak lawyers speaking out against the continued violation of the rule of law was published. There are currently around 450 signatures of both emeritus and current judges, including judges of the Supreme Court and former Vice President of the Constitutional Court as well as a current member of the Judicial Council of the Slovakian Republic and the letter has been supported until today by signatures of not only 120 judges but also by more than 230 attorneys; Including the former agent of the Government before the European Court of Human Rights. The open letter is a reaction to systemic violations of the rule of law. Lawyers in Slovakia have been publicly communicating their objections to the violations of these principles through articles and blogs. A group of judges also have written an open letter for the conservation of democracy, the rule of law in the Slovakian Republic. However, the reaction has been silence. Just silence. In some cases it is intimidation or personal insults. You might know about the Venice Commission. The Venice Commission recommends that additional changes should not be adapted during a state of emergency. Here in Slovakia, those recommendations are ignored and the extent of the violation of the rule of law is extremely high. Publicly presented requests from several experts demanding major constitutional changes have gone unnoticed. The Executive power and the majority of the Parliament grossly violate the obligations relating to being members of the government of the Slovak Republic.

Viviane Fischer: Are there any legal suits going on?

Peter Weis: Yes, there are many. In December 2020, the Parliament banned the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic from reviewing complaints about Constitutional Law. Despite the expressed disapproval of the President of the Constitutional Court. In this way the Government has increased its legislative power, removing the main check, the Judiciary that could control it. Simultaneously with the weakening of the Judicial branch of Government, Parliament allowed itself the right to extend the “state of emergency” indefinitely. The Government asks Parliament to extend the state of emergency, then it’s approved.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s what happened here too. It’s the Government that took over and it’s trying to get rid of the Judiciary.

Peter Weis: In 2020, more than 60 laws were passed to simplify procedure just related to the pandemic situation. Mostly these laws had nothing to do with the pandemic. It’s unjustified, it’s contradictory and disproportionate human rights violation. They often appear to be anti-Corona measures. Serious and severe human rights violations do not happen through the law but through bylaws of the health office. They have omnipotent legal competence. The government, since since March or June 2020, after the Constitutional Court said that these acts could only be reviewed by the Administrative courts, the Government amended these rules to general binding acts with the aim of avoiding the possibility of judicial review. This is what’s going on in Slovakia. Let me continued with the PCR Tests. Telling people that PCR Tests were showing infections, through the media, was spreading fear among the population. That was the approach, I think. They don’t have enough policemen. They already added the army to the policemen because people are not following along. So they added the army.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: How was the public’s reaction to this because here in Germany there’s talk about the army taking over some of the police work. Apparently they don’t dare do it. Thus far the public here will not tolerate that. How is the situation in Slovakia?

Peter Weis: We challenge this issue in International Criminal Court. Because the mass testing that was imposed on the Slovak Republic was a military operation. An illegal military operation. It was not ordered by the President of the Slovak Republic in a time of peace. Let me tell you about the mass testing. Our Prime Minister decided to fight the PCR Test results. Not the pandemic but doing antigen testing of the whole population of the Slovak Republic. He promised it would be only once. He called the testing an “atomic bomb”. So he lost. The PCR Test showed, of course, a further massive increase in infections. So he lost. It went in the opposite direction. People were standing outside in masks for hours outside in the freezing cold, people with medical conditions, to get tested. They lied to the people. Since then they’ve been conducting mass testing on a regular basis because the test results always go up. They called it voluntary. If you did not do it, you were sanctioned, fined, persecuted.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That’s pretty voluntary.

Peter Weis: Yes, yes of course. You could not enter buildings. You could only buy basic stuff. Like food. Only at the closest store. You were banned from getting basic health care. Even basic, yes.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Yes, that’s what they tried to do here too. There must have been an outcry among the population. Was there?

Peter Weis: Yes, on the 17th of November there was a big protest and there are some smaller protests since. Nothing really big. The European Court of Human Rights, maybe this is the only way we can fight this. Or the International Criminal Court in The Hague. I have already sent you the filing.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I read it and I forwarded it.

Peter Weis: They are breaking the Nuremberg Code. This was totally unnecessary. It seems it was performed and continues for economic reasons. Maybe it’s to spend money on useless antigen testing. Testing people every week causes physical and psychological damage. People report headaches and other injuries. We already have around 140 stories for The Hague.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We already spoke to several doctors, one who is an ear, nose an throat doctor, he explained in detail this definitely amounts to battery. It’s an invasive testing technique and in many cases it’s being used to collect samples from your body that can only be acquired by injuring it. Even if it’s only a slight injury, it’s an injury. In many cases, people have nose bleeding. So this something that you can’t really consent to on behalf of your children. Under normal circumstances, family court would step in and prohibit parents from doing this to their children. But circumstances are not normal. Right now it’s the opposite. You go to a family court as a parent of child. You complain that this is not good for your child. Normally then the judge will take a look at the evidence and maybe even, you may have heard about the Weimar decision, maybe even look at some expert evidence. But now in many cases, these judges will simply turn around and and say, “ah no, this is not so. This is not so bad. But it looks as though you’re not good enough at taking care of your child.” So they turn this thing around. However, there is a backlash forming right now. Many people are not just now completely unhappy but also extremely angry. So I don’t think this is going to last much longer.

Peter Weis: When people complained, they changed the testing methods. Why couldn’t they change it before?

Viviane Fischer: They are trying to see how far they can go. When people fight back, they withdraw a little bit. Then they’ll try to reintroduce it if the next mutation comes along. It seems very orchestrated.

Peter Weis: We plan to challenge the mask mandates and the testing. The Slovak Republic is in the third stage of testing. We’re almost like in Israel. We have created a committee of experts which serves as fact-checkers. To the official false narrative. Scientists, journalists, medics, lawyers, economists, teachers, there are many others. I have it from the ministry that the PCR Test is still being used at an unbelievable 30 to 40 cycles. This makes it a goldmine for the makers of the test. They are simply useless. We are challenging the PCR Tests. And we are challenging the false idea about asymptomatic cases and the lack of isolation of the pathogen. This is what we do and we are waiting for the results. There are some judges that think we are right.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: So there are some judges who are independent enough to take a real look at the evidence.

Peter Weis: The executive power in Slovakia is making a huge mistake by persecuting judges. If judges don’t follow the mask mandate, then they are exposed in mass media. This is the problem

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: The judges are being exposed in the mass media?

Peter Weis: I know about two of them. This is really bad for the executive branch.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: This too is part of the lockstep approach. Because the same thing is happening in this country. They’re realizing now that they’ve probably gone too far. Things are about to change. What we have to do, we cannot give them an inch. We have to fight them as hard as we can. That’s the only way to do it. In the courts, outside of the courts. We have to go after them. 99.999% of the population has absolutely no problem. The vulnerable part of the population, those who are over 70 should be vaccinated maybe, but with a real vaccine. Not with an experimental gene therapy which is what’s happening right now. I do think some things are changing. For some people it’s going to be too late. Maybe for a lot of people. But things are definitely changing. We have to keep fighting. That’s what I’ve learned.

Peter Weis: We need to protect the rule of law. They have already protested the General Prosecutor concerning the Constitutional Court against using bylaws as a system and it’s pending. They already should’ve given us a result. It’s been there for 60 days, it’s supposed to be there for 6 or 7. It’s still there.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: You can see this is their weak spot. If you can go after the real evidence. Ask them, where is your factual foundation? Where is the evidence? Of this so called pandemic. There is no answer. If you go after the real evidence in the courts of law, that’s what makes them really, really nervous. We can hope that there are a few lawyers and judges out there who are going to follow up on this and are not going to cave in on this. I’m optimistic that there are more than just a few judges. Some of them haven’t quite made it out into the open but more and more of them are coming out, even in Germany. We’ve got to come up with an archive of all the public decision that were decided and a public archive of all the individuals we’re going to have to go after when all of this is over. They need to know that we’re not just going to sit back and relax when this is over. We’re then going to step this thing up and we will go into the civil and criminal systems in order to hold them ALL RESPONSIBLE.

Peter Weis: In such a case, we recommend the Constitutional Court decision in the Czech Republic. It was very good.