Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Lawyer Viviane Fischer are in the process of conducting an extra parliamentary process where numerous lawyers and experts from around the world are being called to discuss the sudden loss of human rights in their nations and what they are going to do to fight for real democracy and justice.
Today, we are considering the testimony of Lawyer Virginie de Araujo-Recchia. This lawyer is working tirelessly to combat the lies that are being pushed on the public in her nation of France. Ms. dude Araujo-Recchia is involved in litigation concerning the French Broadcasting Authority who have been promoting violence against those of us who do not want to participate in a global human science experiment. This courageous lawyer says that people are filling the streets in France and that the French Resistance is very united and passionate about standing up for their freedom.
Lawyer Virginie de Araujo-Recchia also once again reiterates the theme that I am constantly expressing, infiltrators are working hard to disrupt our movement. Please pray that we will be able to detect these phonies.
I tell the story of Napoleon to show the public that he was brought down through subversion and infiltration. His intentions were always excellent. He always wanted what was best for humanity. Because we have access to the facts about Napoleon, we can now understand our opponents much better than he did. He underestimated their ruthlessness and their depravity. I do everything I can to show the facts about these grim realities.
Lawyer Virginie de Araujo-Recchia
To expose the origins of the not so hidden sneaky dictatorship attacking us, allow me to suggest listening to REAL HISTORY.
To watch this lawyer of courage, Lawyer Virginie de Araujo-Recchia, speak, start the video at around 4:29:29.
I transcribed a summary of the dialogue below. There’s a lot more information available if you want to watch the video and it is well worth your time.
The interview previous to this one can be found here.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Hello. Thank you for what you are all doing and your kind invitation.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: It’s the connection between all of us that will make the difference. I’m absolutely certain about that. So what’s going on in France?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: I would like to give you an update about the situation in France. We are in a great and big crisis. We clearly live under a dictatorship since March 2020. But French citizens are more aware than ever of the situation since July 12, 2021 because of the presidential address. It became a declaration of war against the French people. He announced a series of measure for what he said were measures to counter the spread of the resurgence of Covid 19 linked to the delta variant. He demanded mandatory vaccination for certain professions, health workers as well as the extension of the health certificates to force as many people as possible to be vaccinated. The government started to threaten the health workers in January, 2021.
Some doctors who questioned the vaccine or who discusses the side effects and accidents are threatened, suspended and forbidden to practice medicine or taken into custody. It’s important to keep in mind the covid rate of infection is 1 person in 100,000 inhabitants. An influenza epidemic is reported when 150 fall ill in 100,000 inhabitants. We are far from being in a worrying situation. We can say that nothing is happening. In spite of everything, Emmanuel Macron announced his intention to extend the health certificate from July, 21 regarding venues that bring together more than 50 people. Stadiums, casino, sporting facilities, theaters, etc. In early August, the health certificate will be extended to cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, you heard that?Shopping malls, hospitals, medical and social institutions, travel by air, train, bus, all long distance trips.
The health certificate becomes mandatory for access to hospitals. Surgery and operations are cancelled where the patient has not already taken the jab. Even before the publication of the law. The health certificate becomes mandatory for access to these different places from the age of 12 years old up.
The health certificate will not only affect the public but the employees working. Merchants who do not check the health certificate of their customers could be fined 45,000 euros and imprisoned for 1 year. PCR Tests will be used to force vaccination.
Vaccination for children is also in the pipeline for the start of the school year. The Bill of Law will be presented to the Council of Ministers on July 19th, 2021. We know since March, 2020, the president, the government, the parliament members are openly denying our fundamental rights. The situation is becoming very worrying. We are trying by all means to remind our representative of the rules applicable in a real democracy. We are no longer in a democracy. Our leaders follow orders which are against the fundamental interests of our nation. They push an agenda yet they are still making a lot of mistakes. We know very well who is behind all this at this point.
Viviane Fischer: The health certificate, you have to be vaccinated or you have to be recovered or you have to have a test? Is that the criteria for it? Are those the 3 options?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: But they want you to be vaccinated. They’re pushing for vaccinations.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes, yes.
Viviane Fischer: Now the PCR Test is free and in the Fall you will have to pay for it and people won’t have money so people will have to get vaccinated. That’s the idea?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: They’re making many mistakes. One of them is that they are pushing too hard, right?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes. Mandatory vaccination is forbidden in International law and also in treaties. Precedents of the European court of - Yes, they are threatening the population with things even before they pass the laws and now I think we have a lot of people in the streets. There will be more and more people in the streets because, this weekend there will be a lot of people that are shouting, saying that it is impossible to go in this direction.
Viviane Fischer: Are these the yellow vests?
[A definite agent pressured me to cover the Yellow Vests so there is something suspicious there.]
Or is this a new crowd?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: It’s a lot of groups. Even people who have taken the jab are involved. They think there should be freedom of choice about it. It’s a health privacy question. They are all together in the streets.
Viviane Fischer: How many people are there on the streets? Is this happening just in Paris or everywhere around the country?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: It will be everywhere around the country.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Has it already begun? Are people out on the streets already?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes, today and there will be more on the streets Saturday. [July 17, 2021]
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What is going on in the courts of law? Are you trying to hold the people responsible accountable in a court of law?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: I can give you an update also, the legal proceedings in which I am involved if you want. In March, 2021, I filed a summons before the judicial court of Paris against the health emergency law. This complaint was filed at the request of 3 associations and 1,360 individuals against the state, the prime minister. The civil suit is currently pending at the court of appeal. We denounce the lockdowns, the curfew measures and unnecessary disproportionate measures which are a disaster for the physical health of the population, our culture and for our economy. Also these measures are based on scientific nonsense. More than 25 different studies demonstrate this. We are fighting preliminary ruling on constitutional violations so that that civil Supreme Court can take up the matter and transmit this question to the constitutional council. The lockdowns are unconstitutional. Mandatory stay at home measure of an entire population is arbitrary detention. We denounce the misuse of PCR Tests that are unreliable and are only a tool used to justify the measures to restrict our freedoms.
We denounce the lack of organized care available since the beginning. We denounce the organization of the use of euthanasia against the elders. To summarize, we denounce all the inconsistencies and the maintenance of the state declaring a health emergency when the criteria have not been met. This is a big fight. We denounce a lot of things. Since June, 2021, I also represent 232 French health care workers who wish to intervene against the legal actions before the general court of the European Union with the attorney Renate Holzeisen, whom you know very well, to defend the rights of health care workers in Northern Italy and Austria.
We managed to get all of these health workers together in a short period of time thanks to United Health Professionals and Children’s Health Defense Europe. The Independent Scientists Council and the National League for Freedom. Renate is also challenging the licenses granted by the European Commission, implemented December, 2020 for the use of the so called “Covid vaccine” for the European Union. The last one, there is a complaint about the French Broadcasting Authority on July 12, 2021.
I also filed a complaint before the president of the French Broadcasting Authority against the journalists on behalf of the National League for Freedom of Vaccination. These journalists say on tv that “they will vaccinate you by force. Policemen will take you to the vaccination center. You have to go after them with your teeth and your handcuffs, if necessary. The unvaccinated are a public danger so I have a very clear approach. I do everything to make them the pariahs of society.” So why this complaint?
For about 2 weeks now, we are witnessing a wave of verbal violence in media and people who do not want to be vaccinated. Many people in the media are currently making violent, threatening comments against people who do not want to take the jab. Without any restraint. No one is sanctioning these inhuman comments.
A physician well known for his conflicts of interest, who does not take care of patients. He said on TV, “today there is a war and this war is against the anti-vaxxers. I say it clearly. These are people who have no scruples. Who use the worst methods and will do extreme harm. This is our real collective enemy. It’s not the virus anymore because the virus we can fight it. The problem is the influence of the anti-vaxxers.” These remarks constitute the violation of human dignity. The infringement of the freedom of others. And a violation of public order by inciting violence, discrimination of a new kind against French people who refuse to participate in a mass experimentation conducted by Big Pharma, with the encouragement of the WHO and the blessing of French leaders. We implore the president of the French Broadcasting Authority to refrain from this. We have attached to this complaint a memo concerning informed consent for any medical act as well as the related to experimental vaccination so that the media are fully aware of the consequences of their failure and their criminal responsibility. This is clearly propaganda. We have been told lies since March, 2020 and the impact on the public is catastrophic. So we ask all of the journalists in big media to respect their code of ethics for journalists.
Never confuse the role of professional journalist with that of advertiser or propagandist. Never accept direct or indirect instruction from advertisers. To carry out the investigation that are essential to deliver objective and clear information. They are now being warned. In fact, I wrote a report entitled Dictatorship 2020, November 2020, which has been public, downloadable for many months. I’ve also written articles and reports. No one will be able to say they didn’t know!
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: I saw the video with this man threatening people, is he play acting, is he insane? I don’t know but I saw this video. Is this a turning point? Is this getting people to become more skeptical about what’s going on? Is this what’s bringing people onto the streets?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: I think that the more they exaggerate. The more they manipulate, the less people will go along with it. I think it’s a mistake.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: What happens here and I spoke about this with our American friends, Leslie Manookian and Dr. Simone Gold who founded American Frontline Doctors. So what is happening world wide, I believe and they believe too, that this enormous unmasking; They are taking down their masks. They’re showing their really ugly faces. They’re telling us this is not about health, this is about eugenics and genocide. I think that is what is finally is turning the table. For some reason they are under enormous pressure because all of the mainstream media propaganda about how people “really love to get vaccinated” turns out to be a lie. Because it’s a lie, because they are under pressure, they have to let go of all of the formality, all of the nice talk and have to push really hard and that’s what’s motivating people to get up and fight. It’s long overdue. They say better late than never.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: I think also that they know we will hear more and more about deaths and accidents and that it will be difficult to put a veil on that. They really need to push the edge to make more people take the jab. We are gathering more and more people of resistance and we are organizing. They know that. For example, people in France, there’s a new tv channel, La Une TV. It will have an audience and they know that. At the beginning of September, we will have a channel. We are all together. We are pooling all of the information that we have been gathering since the beginning of 2020. So it could be these things that explain also why they are rushing. La Un Tv will give real information with scientists, physicians, lawyers, journalists and all of the information that the resistance wants to give to the population.
Viviane Fischer: Do you think they just really miscalculated the spirit of resistance of the French people? That they thought, “o if you just tell them to go after these people that don’t want to get vaccinated” that the French would say, “yes, we have to hunt them down.” So they just miscalculated the spirit of freedom that is prevalent in the French mind? What do you think?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: That’s possible. I feel like a rat in a box. Someone is looking to see how I will react. I think we can all feel like that. They are manipulating us and they are threatening us to see what we will do in the next few weeks. We have a philosopher in France who says that we will have a revolution in France in 2022. It’s not predicted. It’s organized. You know? Attali? A lot of people say, “we predict everything”. But no. He knows a lot of things. He’s saying in France we will have revolution in 2022 and I’m wondering if he is putting pressure on the French population to have a revolution, with the parties being the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. They are pushing one against the other.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Is that Jacques Attali?
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes, it is!
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Bad news! This guy is very bad news. You’re not going to allow this to happen. You’re going to organize this so that these people can be put back into their little rabbit holes through an organized movement.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes, we will fight together. We have joined Police for Freedom, a collective of police officers that are informing their colleagues on the ground. I think that we need to join hands with police officers.
Most police officers have always been supportive, even very supportive, of this project.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: This is very important. They have to understand that if they do what they’re supposed to do, they are not safe. No one is safe. They’re all going to be thrown under the bus. As soon as they’ve done what they’re supposed to do.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes and I think on an international level, we need to join hands with police officers.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: We think the same here. It makes a lot of sense. I think it’s universally understood that that has to be done. We all have to join forces with our own police force because most of them are not bad they’re just being used right now, we think.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Yes, they are just like the rest of the people. Or they don’t know. We need to inform. There are a lot of police officers that are aware of the danger. They know that things are not right.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: It’s time to tell the people what’s really going on. To expose what they are doing. This has nothing to do with health. It’s all destruction and death.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia: Perhaps I will say something touchy. There’s a lawyer I know who says there may be a problem with the “Counsel of Defense” that they are taking their orders from NATO.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: That is new but that is not a complete surprise. It does sound plausible, quite possible. We’ve know for a long time that there are so called secret armies, not only in Europe but also in the United States and also in other places. So it is quite possible that this is being done through NATO. Because you realize of course that NATO is another one of these NGOs that we have to get rid of. We don’t need them anymore. We will get rid of them as soon as we are in charge. We have to show that we are all together.